Chapter 01

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Pete Pongsakorn owned a small flower shop in the farthest part of downtown Bangkok. Few people knew about the place, and he made it just that, so that only people who were in love or lost could find it.

The grounds were spacious, with benches where people could sit and a small house where coffee or tea making utensils were kept, so those who went there could enjoy the atmosphere while relaxing with a cup of coffee or tea, and perhaps at the end of the day they could buy flowers and deliver them to their loved one. Pete built the place with everything in mind, he was a dreamer who traveled in love stories, and it was out of many of these fantasies that he built his business from scratch.

He planted all the plants in the place, from flowers to fruit and non-fruit trees. And every night, he watered each one and talked to them. He always told his friend Porsche that talking to the plants helps them grow better, as well as being a healing act for the mind, a form of psychological treatment. So far it's working, as his plants grow more beautifully than elsewhere, and his mind is in an enviable mood. And that's another thing: Pete's life seems like something out of a sugary romance novel, where everything in the protagonist's life works out, he hardly ever had any difficulties in life, and when one did appear, the next thing he knew he had a solution for everything. And he always solved everything with a beautiful smile on his face, and no longer blamed anyone for his mistakes, or took his bad mood out on anyone, although Pete was hardly ever in a bad mood.

And it would be no different that day. Pete was already in his garden, tending to his flowers, when customers began to arrive. They spread out across the garden, sitting on the benches, or just spreading out a towel on the grass, where they sat with baskets full of food, and other people came to buy flowers for their loved ones. He attended to everyone with a giant smile on his face. His store was clean and cozy, and everyone who came in had a good, pure feeling, as if they were touching nirvana. They felt a kind of utopia.

Porsche always said that Pete was a kind of witch, that he put a spell on his flowers, and that when people smelled them, they inhaled hallucinogenic drugs. Porsche was a rather peculiar creature, and a bit insane at times. And no, Pete isn't a witch, he just loves his job and does it well, he's sure that if he were doing something else he wouldn't have all this daily joy in his life.

As the hours passed and night fell, he made his way to the light switch hidden at the back of his store and pushed it up. He went outside, where the lights came on and the fountain in the middle of the gigantic garden began to gush with water - yes, that place was more beautiful at night than during the day. Many people preferred to come at that time.

You're probably wondering where Pete gets the money to keep this place going, since he doesn't buy tickets, let alone drinks, he just sells flowers, and selling flowers wouldn't pay for everything.

Anyone who sees Pete's happiness can't imagine that his past is full of blood and tears.

His parents were brutally murdered in front of him. The three of them were returning home after the adults had picked up their son from school, when a car pulled out in front of them, causing the patriarch to slam on the brakes. Then things happened in seconds. The three of them were thrown out of the car, and in less than a minute, Pete's parents were dead, while the car was stolen and all the family's belongings, the thieves leaving Pete on the ground pulling at his parents' clothes while crying non-stop.

Pete was sixteen, and one week he was just a rich kid with a perfect family, the next he was an orphaned teenager with a lot of money in his account that he didn't know how to spend. After a year of pure depression, his friend Porsche got tired of seeing his friend wasting away, so he threw him under the shower while he fought with Pete for almost an hour. It was only then that Pete came to his senses and realized that he had a long time to live, and that he would use it to be happy and make other people happy. The following week he started building what has now become the Lotus.

Flowers And Death - VegasPete (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now