Chapter 38: Madeline

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A part of her wanted to snap back, telling him he should have been. But was it really his fault? Honestly, she couldn't blame him. He hadn't met her when he was with Mi-rae. Sure, she was jealous. Her stomach was in knots at the thought of him with someone else. However, if she held onto those feelings, she'd never be able to move on.

"Please forgive me. I will make sure this is sorted. I'll even make a personal statement to the media. I'll do anything," He was pleading with her. She didn't know how to proceed.

"Seeing that news article hurt me. On the way, I was scared about. I...I thought..." Her voice got caught in the back of her throat. Frustration etched through her. Why couldn't she speak when it was important that she did?

"Tell us. It's vital we communicate." Yoongi coaxed.

She inhaled sharply, summoning the strength to continue. With his soft, encouraging eyes on her, she found her voice. "I thought you would abandon me. I thought this would lead to you guys having to leave and...never return."

There was no laughter. No pity. Instead, there was understanding and worry.

They had expected this. It meant they had listened to her when she had told them her insecurities.

Jin inched forward and hovered his hands above hers. He was the only one who hadn't bonded to her. She could tell by the fire in his eyes that he wanted to right now. And she wanted to as well. Desperately.

He waited for her sign—for the go-ahead.

"No matter what happens, we'll always want you. And we'll make sure we keep showing it to you." Jin promised, sincerely. The urge to touch him became too much after that. She placed her hand on top of his and fluttered her eyes closed at the onslaught of sparks.

This time, the feeling was even more intense. She could guess why—she had finally bonded with her last soul mate. Her soul felt complete—there were no more feelings of loneliness. She wouldn't have to worry about that again.

When she opened her eyes, Jin had the same emotions flashing in his enchanting brown orbs.

"Did you all feel that?" Hobi wondered aloud, breathless.

"Yeah," Jin's voice cracked, his eyes remaining trained on her. "That's the feeling of our bonds coming together and intertwining."

Jin addressed her now, "Thank you, Madeline. I will make it right. We all will. Mi-rae won't come between us."

The next question that came from Madeline had them stunned and slightly concerned. "What is Mi-rae like?"

Jin stiffened whilst Hobi faltered. Yoongi, however, kept his passive expression. If anybody was going to be completely truthful about her, it would be him.

"Mi-rae is career-driven. Being famous is what she strives for," Jin said, attempting to sound neutral on his feelings for her. She didn't want to know that—she wanted to know what he thought about her. From what she had said in her post, she had been with him for a year.

"But what is she like?" She prodded.

"She can be cunning. She takes what she wants with no regard for the other person. She uses people. That's how I would sum her up," Yoongi butted in, casually.

"Yoongi," Hobi admonished.

"What?" He shrugged his shoulders. "It's the truth. I'm not going to sugarcoat it like you guys. I never liked her and I tried to tell you, Jin."

Jin hung his head in shame.

"We all make mistakes, Yoongi. Sometimes we think we know best and so we ignore warnings from others," I came to Jin's defense.

Jin attempted a smile. He appreciated her stepping in, especially when she didn't have to. Madeline found herself already moving past what was happening. Talking with them had alleviated many of her worries. She trusted them. She knew they would not let this problem persist.

She could see that now. And boy, did it feel good.

"Whatever needs to be done, I want to help. In any way I can," Madeline found herself speaking.

They all exchanged looks. She wasn't going to back down this time.

"Madeline...we are afraid of letting you help in case your identity gets leaked. We don't want to the world know who you are until you're ready." Hobi explained, softening his tone. As usual, they were considering her first. It made her realize she needed to start doing the same for them.

She knew she wasn't ready for the world to know yet. She wasn't mentally prepared for the onslaught of comments and hate from people. She would struggle to cope.

Madeline ran a hand through her hair, considering her options. "Can I anything then?"

This time, it was Jin who spoke up. "Honestly, our time will hand the publicity side of it. I will personally contact Mi-rae to see if she will back down. All I need from you is to know you're here and not going to run away."

She wasn't offended by his comment. From their point of view, they were probably worried she would put distance between them.

Grabbing onto Jin's hand again, she commanded his attention. "I want to prove to you that I'm just as serious. Starting now."

All three of them grew visibly confused by her words. "What do you mean, Madeline?"

This was going to be a big step for her. A massive one that could go horribly wrong. Originally, she never wanted to do this. She wanted to keep it separate but if she was going to fully commit, she needed to do this. It was only fair.

"I think it's time I introduced all of you to my family," She paused for a moment. "To my mom."

And with that bombshell, things were never going to be the same for her. 

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