"As long we are on this land I swear we will protect it, I'll protect the people on this land as if they were my own family, i swear it to you".

Otis nods, he wishes Rick a good night's rest, returning to the camp he approaches Dale "you've set shifts tonight".

Dale responds "yeah, it's me and Carol for a few hours, t-dog and Andrea volunteered for a couple of hours then 10k and Shane's taking over after that".

Rick thanked Dale for having taken a small burden off his shoulders, "I don't think I'll be able to sleep for the next hour or 2, I'll take carols shift".

Dale felt it was better for T-dog to get more rest anyway so Rick told Carol he'd be taking her shift, but she'll take t-dogs and Dale walked up to t-dog tent hearing him snoring already fast asleep, not wanting to wake him up he just felt.

Rick and Dale were staying up for now, both sitting staring up at the sky and the area around the farm occasionally to make sure no walkers were spotted.

"You know hershel doesn't set up these look outs every night". Rick said

"Well, hershel before us didn't have much people with him", Dale replied.

"Hershel doesn't know what's going on, that's apparent, we can't lose this farm, we just can't".

"Cause Lori's pregnant" Dale spoke.

"Yeah" Dale noticed in Rick's words there was a bit of anger.

"You shouldn't be to hard on her, she was in a difficult position, I wouldn't know what to do as well, I already let the group down being a weak old man, I wouldn't know what to do if I was in Lori's place".

"I understand that, but what would you think if your wife lied to you, having a baby that might not be yours". Rick stopped himself before he was about to say something he regrets.

Rick gets up from the chair, and begins to walk around the fences to make sure there was nothing was broken by any walkers, but before he had left he turned back to Dale "you don't let down this group Dale, and you never will".

Dale felt a surge of happiness flood into his body, he released a small smile, getting onto of the rv he begins to look around using binoculars around the farm. Stopping at Rick he wonders what's going to happen next and if rick will be ready for it, glancing at his people in there tents he thinks "if anyone is", including himself.

10k and Shane were woken up to do there shift it was nearly morning as the two prepared themselves for the day, the two were standing aroundm, in silence.

"What do you think about the barn", Shane says wanting 10k input about the circumstances that are happening.

"I think hershel doesn't know what he's talking about".

Shane was amazed about his response "that we can both agree upon... you know Lori, is teaching Carl some math, english stuff like that, I'm sure she won't mind if you tag along, if you want".

"I'm fine, I know how to read, I'm 14", 10k says.

"Sorry meant no offense", Shane spoke " I need to stretch these old legs, imma take a walk try to see any walkers broken through the fence".

Shane lightly smacked 10k shoulder as he Shane began doing exactly as he said he was going to do, walking away from the group he naturally travels to the barn, no one but 10k and himself should be up. When he arrives to the barn he slowly approaches it, faintly hearing the dead inside he ensures the barn was holding up around the sides and back he eventually stares at the front door, wrapped up in metal chains with a lock bolted between them. Making sure the door was secure softly pulling the lock to see if it would give, he places his hand on the door only for him to jump back wards when the door moved revealing the louder noices of the groans of the undead now aware of Shane. His immediate reaction had been attempting to draw his gun which had always been on his side, only for his hand to touch only his belt, his gun having been taken away. Backing away from the barn he almosts collides into otis, who had a rifle strapped to his back.

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