Start from the beginning

Miguel then hit her in the arm, as Letty huffed "understood, Sensei." she said "cobra kai isn't just about karate." Sensei Lawerence told them as he turned around pointing at the wall "it's about a way of life." he told them, as the wall read, strike first, strike hard, no mercy "take that first lesson." he told them, as he turned back to them "striking first is the initial step toward's victory. Ok? Like when you're at a party and you see a hot babe. You don't wait for some other guy to come to talk to her first, do you?" he asked, and when he did, Letty looked to her brother then back to Sensei Lawerence "who? Him?" she asked "yeah.." Sensei Lawerence told her.

And when he did, Letty began laughing "my..my brother has never been to a party, let alone talked to a girl besides me, my mother or our grandma in his life!" she voiced, shaking her head "big surprise. All right, look." Sensei Lawrence told them, as Letty stopped laughing "sticking first is about being aggressive, all right? If you're not aggressive, you're being a pussy, and you don't wanna be a pussy. You wanna have balls." Sensei Lawerence shared, as Miguel looked from him to his sister, then back to Sensei Lawerence "don't you think your doing a lot of genderizing?" he asked him.

"What?" Sensei Lawerence asked "oh, uh, sorry. Don't you think you're doing a lot of genderizing, Sensei?" Miguel asked him "no. What the hell are you talking about?" Sensei Lawerence asked him "yeah, I'm a girl and I don't even know what the hell you're talking about." Letty added on "oh, uh, my guidance counselor says that certain words perpetuate the sexist world view that can trigger.." Miguel was saying "please stop talking!" Letty voiced, while Sensei Lawerence yelled "quiet!" 

In which Miguel stopped "from now on, you won't listen to your guidance counselor. You're gonna listen to me is that understood?" Sensei Lawerence asked "uh, yes, Sensei." Miguel told him "good. Now stop gossiping with your sister and drop down and give me fifty push ups on your knuckles." Sensei Lawerence told them "uh, ok." Miguel told him, as he watched Letty go down to the mat, he followed her movements and put his knuckles down like she did, but when he watched her due one push up on her knuckles while he was even struggling to do one, his jaw dropped as his body then flopped to the floor.

"All right, just do some crunches." Sensei Lawerence told Miguel as he looked to Letty "how do you know how to do one and he doesn't?" he asked, making Letty smile as she turned to face him "why? You surprised a girl can do what a guy can't?" she asked "yeah, that's why I'm asking." Sensei Lawerence told her, as Miguel began doing is crunches, the door opened, as Letty and Sensei Lawerence looked over to it, watching as a man in slacks, a button down paired with a tie along with a satchel walked in "howdy there, Mr, uh..Lawerence?" the man asked "it's Sensei." Miguel told him "Miguel shut up." Sensei Lawerence told him, as he walked toward's the man.

"What brings you in? Looking to lose that gut?" he asked, hitting the man in the stomach "oh my god." Letty said "and learn how to kick some ass?" Sensei Lawerence asked "no. I'm from the city health department." the man told him, as he opened his satchel and pulled out a packet "this is a list of requirements needed to open up and exercise studio." he told him "this isn't an exercise studio. This is a karate dojo." Sensei Lawerence told him "same thing." Letty told him, as Sensei Lawerence turned looking at her "really?" he asked, as Letty rolled her eyes.

"Wow, this place needs a lot of work." the man told him, as he walked further in, looking up at the ceiling, as he turned back to Sensei Lawerence "you're not open for business, are you?" he asked him, as he then looked to Letty and Miguel "you two. You two customers, here?" he asked, as Miguel stopped doing his crunches "oh no, those are just illegals I picked up this morning." Sensei Lawerence told him and when he did, Letty furrowed her brows "they're helping me set up?" Sensei Lawerence added on as he walked toward's the man "I don't need to know about all that. My job is just to make sure this place is up to code. You don't want a scabies out break like that hot yoga place over on Tujunga." the man shared.

Opposites attract, Demetri Alexopoulos Where stories live. Discover now