Chapter 7 - Close Call

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After Nightblast, Cody, and Frankie arrived at Doc Greene's lab, they noticed that Doc Greene was arriving back at his lab. Fortunately, they had arrived at the lab before him. Cody and Frankie told Nightblast to hide and remain undetected.

Doc Greene: *Open the door* "Frankie, Cody. You two arrived first?"

Frankie: "Yes, Daddy. We were walking around the town. Right, Cody?"

Cody: *Nervously* - "Yeah, we are."

Doc Greene: "I see, I hope you two are not lying to me."

Frankie: *Nervously* - "We are not lying to you, Dad."

Doc Greene: "Very well, you two wanted to help with my project? I almost finish."

Cody: "Yeah, sure."

As Cody and Frankie helped with Doc Greene's project, Frankie's father turned on the TV and headed to see Huxley Prescott reporting the news live on TV.

Huxley: *On TV* "This is Huxley Prescott reporting live on the news. An abandoned building had some damage and Chief Burns and his family of heroes along with their Rescue Bots are investigating this, horrific destruction. Now, I'm going to ask Chief Burns on this investigation."

Prescott approaches Chief Burns to question the destruction of the abandoned factory.

Huxley: *On TV* "Chief Burns, any update about this investigation that you and your family found?"

Chief Burns: *On TV* "Well, Prescott. We've found some wheel tracks of an SUV and an unknown wheel track."

Graham: *On TV* "Also we've found some destruction outside from the old factory. "

As they went outside the factory, it showed Kade and Dani with their bots investigating the destruction of the outside of the factory.

Huxley: *On TV* "Any update about the destruction from outside of the old factory?"

Kade: *On TV* "We're still investigating."

Dani: *On TV* "Thankfully, nobody was here during this event."

Huxley:  *On TV* "Right now, the Burns family is still investigating what happened at the abandoned factory. We will have some updates soon. This is Huxley Prescott, signing off."

As the news finished, Cody and Frankie looked at each other in nervousness.

Cody: *Whispers to Frankie* "Oh no."

Frankie: *Whisper to Cody* "Not good."

Doc Greene: "Oh my, I can't believe that I saw an old factory had some destruction on TV."

Doc Greene saw Cody's hand wrapped on his hand with a bandage.

Doc Greene: "Cody, what happened to your hand?"

Cody was nervous to say something about his injured hand. But Frankie spoke up in lying.

Frankie: "He accidentally cut himself."

Doc Greene: "With what?"

Frankie: *Nervously* "We were walking around the park and then Cody accidentally fell and cut himself by a tree's root. Then, I help him to wrap his wound so nothing happens."

Doc Greene: "Oh, I see."

Doc Greene's phone rings and he hears that someone is calling him on his phone.

Doc Greene: "Oh, I need to answer my phone, I'll be back."

Frankie: "Okay, Dad. Cody and I will be outside for a while."

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