Chapter 1 - Enigma

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I walk around the school, with the intent to calm myself down from the little breakdown I had earlier in the girls' restroom. Why did our professor have to give so much work, that it drove me insane?! It was pissing me off. I wish I could run away from my problems that easily...

I unconsciously brought myself to the library, too tired to even realize why I walked there. As the reason why was the less of my problems, I enter the library. It was quite convenient that the library wasn't that strict at things, but keeping silent was still a general policy. It had a mini cafe, where high schoolers and volunteers would work at part-time- which was quite cozy.

I wandered around the library, finding some sort of print to get my hands on and entertain myself as my schedule was cleared. I grab a handful of light novels and head to the mini cafe to find a seat. Sadly, it was overbearingly crowded, but I found a comfortable couch. Unfortunately for me, someone was sitting at one side of it, and the other side was empty.

I contemplated on whether or not I should ask him if I could sit there, but I shrugged the thought off and asked the boy anyway.

"Excuse me", I say softly just to grab his attention. His emerald eyes look up at me as he replies with a small 'yes?'

"Can I sit here?" I point to the empty spot beside him on the couch. To my surprise, he was compliant and simply nodded. So, I sat right beside him and started reading the light novels I picked out earlier.

Two hours pass, and I finish the few light novels I picked out. I merely skimmed through them, but I was entertained nevertheless. I look to my side out of curiosity, and the boy was still beside me. As he was busy scrolling through his phone and writing thongs down, I observed him.

He had wavy jet black hair, emerald eyes, and a few piercings on his ears. Like every other college student, his eyes were a bit baggy and he looked sleep-deprived. Though, the slightly reddish hue near his eyes was quite alluring.

I go back to my business and was becoming quite interested in this boy... he had this charm to him, something I can't explain, yet understand so clearly.

"So, what's your name?" I ask out of the blue as I turn to face him. He turns to look at me, blinking a few times as his expression softens before mumbling something incoherent.

"Uh... come again?" Confused, I scratch the nape of my neck.

"Azrael Gray, but you can call me whatever", he nervously replies. At a simple glance, I could tell that he was introverted somehow.

"Cassidy Jones", I smile as I wanted to leave a good impression on him. He seemed very reluctant to say something, but I hear him say a whispered 'nice to meet you' under his breath. I never felt like he was hostile or rude, though his appearance looked lonely and gloomy. He was actually soft and sweet, like a baked treat. At least, that's the impression I'm getting from him...

Though he was sweet, I got the feeling of an ominous entity, as if another persona was residing in him. Then again, maybe his whole act in front of me was a facade- or it was really just my trust issues. I glance at my watch- 4:00 PM. It was already time for me to go home.

"So... I'll see you around, then", I give him a small smile before leaving the library and heading to my dorm. As I walk to my dorm, I can't help but get the feeling that someone was watching me. It was an eerily quiet feeling, and I was not comfortable in the slightest. My heart races as I speed up my walking, with the hopes of getting to my dorm quicker. It was fearsome, and the adrenaline was rushing through my veins like the waves of an ocean during a storm.

Luckily, I managed to enter my dorm earlier than expected. I slammed the door shut and leaned my back against it as I heavily pant in a cold sweat. That ominous feeling of someone watching me was incredibly terrifying that it took me a good five minutes to finally calm myself down. Was this what being stalked feels like, or was I just paranoid?

As I calmed down, I shrugged the incident off and thought it was just me hallucinating after being sleep-deprived for days on end... maybe I should just take a nap.

I turn the lights off and crash on my bed. Hopefully, my roommate won't wake me up...

My eyes immediately shut and I fall asleep... only to find myself in a dream- one that is uncanny. It was a foggy scene. The floor seemed absent, yet I was still able to walk properly. I walk forward, in the hopes of finding an exit of some sort. After what seemed to be an eternity of walking, I come across a flock of crows resting upon a dead tree with its leaves all fallen and absent from its dry and rough branches.

"Leave while you still can."

An ominous voice disrupted the eery silence of this plane of dreams. The crows all caw at me loudly, deafeningly. I cover my ears, as it was becoming loud and annoying.

"Do not trust him. Do not go near him. Run. Escape. Do whatever you can to avoid him."

The ominous voice warned me. It was terrifying. The voice seemed like a million pained children screaming in pain, distorted into an ominous speech. What was it? Who was it warning me from?

As much as I wanted to run and escape, my legs were frozen in place. Almost as if my body wanted to listen to this ominous voice's warnings.

"He is the man named-"

I wake up in a cold sweat, panting and breathing heavily for my life. Though that dream was eerie and terrifying, I can't help but take the advice the ominous voice gave me. It told me to avoid someone, someone who will cause me harm-

But who?

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