Ekansh had his usual cold expressions and what he said next broke me completely " I guess you're delusional, there is no us. I was just close to you for sometime and by the way I speak to everyone who is my family friend in the same manner, you are just assuming stuff. We didn't even confess to each other then how can you reach conclusions Isha, I thought you were smarter than this, come on."

It would be very less to say I was shattered to hear all this from a man who I thought was my forever, the one for me. Tears started brimming in my eyes as all the negative thoughts that I tried keeping at bay taking shape in reality. I didn't know what to say anymore, it felt like some heart breaking scene of my romance novels was coming true, it felt like someone just took a part of me, the most essential and integral part of me and broke it into innumerable pieces. I just couldn't believe him, I tried remaining calm but my emotions got the best out of me, I walked up to him and held him by his collars and said " How could you do this Ekansh? "

Tears started flowing from my eyes, tears that showed how much he mattered to me while I he was hell bent on showing me, putting up a façade that I wasn't anything to him, but a family friend. 

He just said " I haven't done anything at all, you rekindled our grandparents friendship after years so I owe you one and that's the reason I was friendly with you, otherwise this is my behaviour generally to almost all the outsiders, so it's not my fault miss Isha Chauhan and if you may excuse me I have important things to handle"

The word "outsiders" which implied me just hit the bull's eye, it was enough for me to know he was serious and was not even joking. His words weren't the only thing that hurt me, it was his nonchalant tone which felt like he was making fun of my emotions and although I felt he was doing all of it intentionally I was not in the state of my mind to think rationally as I had never imagined that Ekansh would ever say something like this to me even unintentionally. 

I just stepped back, took a few deep breaths reminding myself that I cannot breakdown, not in front him, I looked up and said " you don't owe me anything after all I'm outsider. Goodbye Mr. Ekansh Rajvansh and all the best for your future endeavours. " and I meant every single word.

I just turned around and walked out of his cabin and hurriedly got out of the building I'd never want to step in, even in my dreams. I got into my car and drove off with illegal speed with no destination in my mind to nurse my wounded heart. Tears kept flowing from my eyes continuously, I couldn't think even though my sixth sense kept poking me, I wasn't in the right state of mind, I felt like I could never mend my broken heart, I felt broken and that's when I realized what it felt like to be heartbroken, and that too by the person who you would have never imagined, even in your worst nightmares.  

I decided to towards the farmhouse where we girls had decided to meet as all the four of us wanted to share and let out everything we were going through for the last three months.

Aarav's POV

After Saanvi's outburst, I could see she was really hurt, it hurt me to see her like that and at that moment I realized that I let my anger get the best of me. I knew deep down Saanvi would never do such a thing, but the thought of someone really close to you betraying you feels like a thousands of needles being pierced into your heart, it's unbearable. I had decided to look into my phone but, I realized I had smashed it to the wall in anger when one of my assistants had seen Saanvi handing over files to Aaryan. I had asked for professional help to retrieve the data, it's been a week since but, they said it would take even longer.

At the Farmhouse

 Isha, Meera, Saanvi and Ara had decided to meet at the Farmhouse to share all their life happenings. Isha had picked Meera up directly from the hospital as she had received a call from her and was on her way towards the farmhouse. 

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