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          VERA WALKED through the huge doors of the Avengers headquarters; a few of her teammates lounged around on the beautiful day

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VERA WALKED through the huge doors of the Avengers headquarters; a few of her teammates lounged around on the beautiful day. She rolled her eyes at the group before clapping her hands together - startling one or two of them.

"Chop chop team, we have a briefing!" She exclaimed as she passed by Peter Parker, sprawled out on a couch, launching small pieces of popcorn into his mouth.

She reached down and stopped a piece as it flew through the air, snatching the food and popping it into her mouth. The kid looked bewildered as he sat up to face her.

"Hey! That was mine!" He frowned, his eyes sad.

"Too bad, kid, we got stuff to discuss." She laughed, pulled him up, and gently pushed him towards the meeting room doors.

The rest of the group slowly trailed after her, grumbling about the interruption. They all entered the large room made of glass walls, giving them a beautiful view of the woods that ran along the building. Each one took a seat, Peter doing it dramatically with a huff.

"I thought we had the day off?" Sam scowled as he draped himself on the table, a frown on his face.

"So did I, but then I got a call from Fury. . and here we are," Vera stated with a shrug as she sat next to Peter, who leaned over and flicked her ear.

She scowled at the boy and flicked him back, steeling another piece of popcorn that was in his hands. He let out a silent cry as he watched his snack disappear into her mouth. He desperately pelted Vera with the food to get back at her. She grinned and caught a few in her mouth as the rest bounced off her body and fell to the floor.

"Are you two done?" Fury's voice brought the two out of their fight. Vera was still grinning while Peter stayed wide-eyed.

"Uh - yea, sorry sir. She just -" Nick cut Peter off.

"I'm sure she started it."

"Whoa, hey! That's rude." She huffed at her boss, who gave her a look in return.

The man grabbed a large folder and flipped it open, tossing a small packet to each of the members sitting at the table. Vera frowned, as she was the only person not to receive one. She leaned over Peter's shoulder and tried to read the file, only for him to hide it from her prying eyes, a grin on his face.

"I can't stand you." She muttered as she fell back into her chair with a sigh.

"I love you too, V." He beamed happily at her as he skimmed through the file.

"What about me? I didn't get one, so can I leave?" Vera raised an eyebrow at her boss, who was digging through his bag.

"You're not that lucky." He retorted.

"Ha!" Sam suddenly chimed in from across the table.

"Real mature." The brunette scowled at the man.

Sam grinned at her and flipped through the pages. Vera glanced at the others, who were lost in the information Nick had given them. Bucky, Thor, and Clint didn't even react to their antics anymore, simply tuned it out.

"Here you go. This is your mission. They just needed to be filled in." Fury told Vera as he tossed a different file to her, it sliding across the smooth marble table.

She opened the folder while giving the man a suspicious look. She quickly read the words on the front 'Marc Spector - Steven Grant.' Below the name was a date of birth, location, and other personal details about a person.

"Who's this?" She asked aloud.

Vera gently picked up a picture of a man, who she assumed was the named person above - or one of them, at least. She immediately noticed how handsome he was, his sharp features, and his dark wavy hair. She bit at her lower lip as she studied him before Fury gave her a reply.

"Marc Spector. Some know him as Moon Knight."

"Moon knight?" Bucky asked with a look of confusion.

"I told you, man. Everybody's got a gimmick now." Sam shook his head as he leaned back in his chair. Vera chuckled at his words.

"Okay. . and what about this Moon dude?" Vera asked as she set the picture down, meeting Fury's gaze.

"He could be. . valuable. But we don't know the whole situation. He has an alias Steven Grant and possibly another. I want you to find out what he's about and what's going on." He told Vera bluntly.

"So you want me to see if he's recruitment material?" She raised a brow.

He simply shrugged and waved his hand, dismissing the group. As Peter stood to leave, he attempted to peak at Vera's file - only for a hand to push his face away. He stumbled back and gave a half smile before frowning at her.

"Beat it, Spiderling." She scolded him, earning a glare from the name.

"Not cool." He huffed as he walked out of the room, about to shut the door behind him. Fury cleared his throat, making the kid stop.

"You better pick up the damn popcorn later."

"Yes, sir," Peter replied in defeat as he hung his head, shuffling out the door.

Vera chuckled to herself and got to her feet, grabbing the file from the table. She approached the boss, who was still at the head of the table, flipping through pages of information.

"So, when do I leave?"

"As soon as possible."

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Vera sighed as she wandered around her room, trying to decide on what to pack. She was much too indecisive for this. Without hesitation, she tossed the piece of clothing she had in her hand to the floor and collapsed back onto the bed. She stared up at the ceiling and let out a sigh as she thought about the mission she was being sent on.

Recruiting a possible Avenger.

That was what Natasha used to do, but now it was up to her. Vera was pulled from her thoughts as another body lay next to hers. She turned her head to see Peter, now also staring up at the ceiling. A frown was plastered on his face.

"Why the sad look, kid?" She broke the silence.

"How long will you be gone?" He replied with a question of his own.

Vera sensed a hint of sadness in his voice and turned her body to look at him. He glanced at her, his jaw tightened. She held her hand out for the kid, who gently wrapped his fingers around hers - still not speaking.

"Are you upset about me leaving, Peter Parker?" She questioned him.

"Of course I am! You're my best friend. It's gonna be lonely here without you." He frowned.

"Wow, somewhere out there, you can hear the sound of Ned's heart breaking." She teased him, trying to lighten the mood.

"Shut up. You both are my best friends." He scrunched his nose at her, a shadow of a smile on his lips.

"I'll miss you too, Spiderboy. But you can always text and call me." She assured the boy as she sat up.

He followed her actions and sat up, playing with the zipper on his jacket. He thought for a moment before responding.

"Where are you gonna be going again?"


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