Part 39

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the advantages of having his Scientology movement legally recognised as a religion.[93] In an April 1953 letter to Helen O'Brien, his US business manager, he proposed that Scientology should be transformed into a religion: "We don't want a clinic. We want one in operation but not in name...It is a problem of practical business. I await your reaction on the religion angle".[94] In reaction to a series of arrests of his followers, and the prosecution of Hubbard's Dianetics foundation for teaching medicine without a license, in December 1953 Hubbard incorporated three organizations – Church of American Science, Church of Scientology, and Church of Spiritual Engineering.[95][96] In 1959, Hubbard purchased Saint Hill Manor in East Grinstead, Sussex, United Kingdom, which became the worldwide headquarters of the Church of Scientology and his personal residence. With the organization often under heavy criticism, it adopted strong measures of attack in dealing with its critics.[97]

In 1966, the organization established the Guardian's Office (GO), an intelligence unit devoted to undermining those hostile towards Scientology.[98] The GO launched an extensive program of countering negative publicity, gathering intelligence, and infiltrating organizations.[99] In "Operation Snow White", the GO infiltrated the IRS and numerous other government departments and stole tens of thousands of documents pertaining to the Church, politicians, and celebrities.[100] In July 1977, the FBI raided Church premises in Washington, DC, and Los Angeles revealed the extent of the GO's infiltration into government departments and other groups.[101] Eleven officials and agents of the Church were indicted; in December 1979, they were sentenced to between 4 and 5 years each and individually fined $10,000.[102] Among those found guilty was Hubbard's then-wife, Mary Sue Hubbard.[100] Public revelation of the GO's activities brought widespread condemnation of the Church.[102]

In 1967, Hubbard established a new group, the Sea Organization or "Sea Org", the membership of which was drawn from the most committed members of the Scientology organization.[103] By 1981, the 21-year-old David Miscavige, who had been one of Hubbard's closest aides in the Sea Org, rose to prominence.[54] Hubbard died at his ranch in Creston, California, on January 24, 1986, and David Miscavige succeeded Hubbard as head of the Church.[104][105]

In 1993, the Internal Revenue Service dropped all litigation against the Scientology organization and recognized it as a religi

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