Chapter 23 - Taken

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In a secluded area near the city's outskirts, very close to where Cassandra had come to rekindle her connection to the arcane, a colossal portal materialized, causing the very earth to quake as it sent foliage and debris spiraling into a chaotic dance. From within this magical vortex emerged a group of formidable figures – 12 knights marching two by two in disciplined formation, flanked by two skilled mages, all under the command of Prince Caspian.

The knights were clad in shining armour that reflected the rays of sunlight that bled through the forrest canopy. They stood in unison, two by two, armed with long swords that hung from their belts and shields that protected their fronts, with Caspian leading at the vanguard.

It was clear he was at a much higher level than the foot soldiers, evident by his lack of full body armour, dressed in lightweight armour instead, and a thin sword that clung to his back.

As the last of the soldiers emerged from the portal, it began to shrink and after a few moments it closed, causing all the debris that was swirling in the air to come to an abrupt stop and fall to the ground.

"Alright men, we have arrived. Remember this is an unknown land, keep your wits about you and remember your training." Caspian spoke in a definitive and authoritative tone, what one would expect from a Prince of a vast kingdom such as Ocoris.

Upon hearing him the knights saluted in tandom, the sound of chainmail and armour clanging together in a perfect symphony.

"SIR YES SIR!" They all shouted.

"FORWARD MARCH!" Exclaimed Caspian.

The platoon began, one foot after the other, it was evident that this group of knights and their Prince leader were well trained and highly disciplined.

* * *

"Sir! It's happened again!" A small statured man, clad in a black suit burst into his directors office.

"My goodness Coleman, haven't I told you to stop barging in like that." A middle aged man, clearly late in his years, evident by the grey highlights in his hair sat at his desk. His fingernails yellowed by the cigarettes he chain-smoked. His facial features were wisened by his years spent servicing his country. He was clearly an authoritative figure, evident by the location of his office that give him an overview of the city streets below.

A metal name card that read 'Director of Homeland Security - Martin Foyer' sat on his desk.

This was the home office for Homeland security, earths first line of defence against extraterrestrial/unknown invaders.

"Sorry sir, it's just... you've really got to see this"

The pair rushed to a room at a lower floor in the building, filled from floor to ceiling with computer screens. There were a number of people in the room, each operating and overseeing a different sector of operations.

When Martin entered the room they all stood to attention. A response that anyone who served in the military was accustomed to.

"At ease" upon hearing this they all sat back down and continued their given tasks.

"You recall the strange energy spike we witnessed a few days ago? Well another one just like it with a similar energy signature just emerged, but 50 times bigger" Explained Johnathan Coleman.

Martin stared at the large screen on the far wall for a moment, taking in the information that was presented.

"Jesus, how long ago was this?" Asked Martin

"Thirty minutes ago sir" replied John.

"Call Matthias in from the field, and signal the B-team to meet us there. We leave in two"

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