6 . The New

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Tell me ,
What did you type to found this book . . ?
This is suspicious .

Anyway , thanks for the encouragement !



Today , i was wearing a grey shirt , a black short and my favorite shoes . We could see my bandages on my arms , but I didn't really care about that . I took my stuff for school , I walked to the front door and left the house . My siblings and I usually didn't went to class at the same time and I was the only one starting class at 7 am , today . I had classes with Germany , Finland and Armenia , USA and Canada hadn't class at 7 am like me and Germany , today too . They started at 9 am , I walked to the bus stop and I saw Germany and Finland , they were already there .

"'Sup bro , how life doing these days ? " Finland asked .

"Terrible and shit like always , but I think it was maybe because of the next Exams to pass the next grade . . And y'all ? " I answered .

"Nothing much just boring , anyway─ Canada and Mexico are official !" Germany said .

"Wait what , seriously ? ! " I said slightly surprised .

I didn't believe at the first but after thinking about it . 'Is Mexico dated the Capitalist's brother ? ! I guess , he will probably be my step brother if we get married me and America ' I bite my bottom lip and sighed .

"We'll celebrate in Japan's house tomorrow or after , we're all invited ! " Ukraine was existed .

"Really ? . . " I mumbled .

"Come on dude , it's Mexico our bestfriend ! " Germany said as I got lost his words , I stayed silent thinking about it .

It is not an issue if Mexico dated Canada but , I needed to tell them that I dated USA too , but Germany will be alone if I say that America and I were official . Germany is like not my only stepbrother but he's like a best friend too , he's nice and funny and very smart and a short nerd . He really liked Italy but he is too scared to get rejected by his crush .

"Well , when you're gonna ask Italy ? " I asked .

"Uhmm . . I don't know , maybe today . We'll hang out , today" Germany answered me .

"I didn't know that shorty could confess to a dominant ~ " I chuckled .

"Shut up , bastard ! I ain't that short ." He replied blushing of embarrassment .

"Well , if you don't want you're still , Shorty~ Sad , you have mother's genetic , you're short like him . But be happy he's more short than you ! " I teased as Germany got annoyed more .

I'm very annoying to him , but I didn't care 'cause I knew he loved me back .

"Anyway , you're still short than USA . " Germany replied back .

"Go get a fucking job , then" I said .

The bus Arrived , we all get in . I sat with Germany . I took out my phone and my airpods , I putted music . I fell asleep after 10 minutes . Germany was talking to Japan and South Korea behind our sat . Arrived at school , everyone got out of the bus and walked in differents directions with their group of friends . Germany and I walked to the cafeteria , I bought a sandwich and a strawberry juice and Germany a pizza and a orange juice .

. . .

We were talking about random things .

"Hey Rus , we never talked about our sexuality , I mean you never told us if you are Gay or something . . " Germany said .

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