3 . Unfinished Project

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Russia POV

The morning birds were slowly waking up to sing , my head hurt really bad . I forgot what happened last night after the party , I hoped nothing bad happened . there was someone who was cuddling me , I looked down and I saw USA cuddling me like a pillow . I blushed and tried to get out of there but If I moved to much I could wake up him , about 5-10 minutes he slowly wake up and rubbed his eyes .

"Get off me ! " I pushed him .

"What ? . . You're the one who wanted cuddle last night ! " America groaned .

"Me ? ! You're the one who's always bothering and flirting with me . " I yelled as I woke up everyone in the room .

"But this time it's wasn't me , people did and you accepted ! " We started to yell at each other and make a drama ,  America and I were fighting but Germany and Mexico stopped us before it got to violent .

"Hey boys , calm down . We were drunk last time , can you guys explain what happened ? " Germany asked .

"Well , you guys got too much drunk , you started to flirt with us and call us ' love ' or ' babe ' . " Italy answered blushing at the memories .

"H-huh ? ! " Germany became red as USSR's flag .

"Well , I have some kind of regrets . . About that night─. . " China said .

"'CAUSE YOU TRIED GO FUCK ME ! " NK interrupted china .

"Not really that but─" China tried to reply and posed for a second .

"Well at least I did something , I just kissed you and bite you . " China mumbled .

"You give me . . FUCKING very noticeable hickeys . " He complained .

NK was pissed of China , I started to laugh with Germany and Mexico . Sometimes it's funny to see them having a drama .

"Can y'all stop fucking laughing like some kind of retarded . . ? " NK asked .

" Just calm down guys , it wasn't a bad night at all . Everything worked fine . " Japan replied then Italy and Canada sighed , clearly tired of us .

"Well uhm , what's time is it ? " Italy asked .

"Let me see , just one second-" Germany adjusted his glasses and look at his phone .

"IT'S 8 AM─ WE'RE LATE FOR CLASS ! ! ! " Germany shouted and we all started to panick , it was funny .

Japan almost forgot their locker's keys and homeworks . ( Japan is Non-Binary :3 . )

Canada and USA hadn't time to brush their hair and Mexico didn't eat his breakfast . And then he was doing puppies noises , he was to hungry like he was starving .

. . .

"I'm so hungry . . " Mexico whimpered .

"Calm down kiddo , lunch is in 1 hour, you can survive . " Germany rolled his eyes , I sighed .

"Come on man , just one hour . " I putted my hand on Mexico's shoulder to comfort him .

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