- Chapter Twelve -

Cherry the Black Bear - Warmth.
Gain the warm coat of a black bear during the cold winter months.

Bullwinkle the Moose - Bull Rush
Charge into your foes with a massive rack of moose antlers

White tailed Deer - Gore Horn
Stab your sharp deer horns into your foes

Boar - Endless Stampede
You are unstoppable when you charge

Skunk - Stinky!
Able to spray a foul smelling liquid from your palms or rear!

- Chapter Fourteen -

Breakfast the Hen - Glide
Using wings you are able to glide down from great heights! Preventing injury!

Lunch the Hen - Mate Control
Able to eject sperm of an unapproved mate thus preventing pregnancy. Also able to choose to get pregnant and accept sperm to be fertilized.

Supper the Rooster - Spurs and Claw
Sharp blades form on your toes, heel and ankle. Allowing you to kick and slash your foes. Protecting your flock!

Cicero the Donkey - Hoofed Kick
Embody the strength of a donkey using both it's legs to kick.

- Chapter Sixteen -

Vaggi the Brown Recluse - Necrotic Venom
This venom once injected/bitten causes the cells to die off, creating Necrosis. With this skill you get the ability to summon spider fangs in your mouth.

- Chapter Eighteen -

Lancelot the Harpy Eagle - Flight
With massive wings you are able to fly the skys.

Tiger - Eyes in the back of your head
An effect that mimics a tigers ears, making people think you are looking at them when they attempt to attack you from behind.

Tortoise - Shell shield
Form a turtle shell shield on your arm. Able to block attacks.

Zebra - Lost in crowd
Able to confuse people following you by entering a crowd.

Silverback Gorilla - Dominance.
You assert an air of dominance, should they question you pound your chest.

Dolphin - Swim speed
Swim as fast as a dolphin at top speed!

Beluga - Insulation
Cold water doesn't effect you anymore!

Sailfish - Rapier
Able to slash your foes with this unbreakable rapier!

- Chapter Nineteen -

Coopers Hawk - Eyesight
Have the eyes of a hawk! Able to locate moving prey!

Ant - Strength skill enhancement.
Able to lift over 50 times your body weight. Adds onto Elephant skill.

Ant - Vibration Sight
Able to see with vibrations in the ground.

Ant - Stasis Venom
When stabbed with this venom, your prey enter a metabolic stasis! They are unchanging for two months!

Ant - Navigation!
Able to navigate using the planets magnetic field! You'll never be lost again!

- Chapter Twenty Three -

Fenrir the undead Direwolf - Pain nullification
You can't feel pain anymore, making you a fighting machine.

Fenrir the undead Direwolf - Enhance Regeneration
Enhances your regeneration type skills!

Fenrir the undead Direwolf - Beast of War
Gain the ferocity of a wolf in battle

- Chapter Twenty Six -

Crocodile - Tail Swipe
Smack your tail at your foes!

Crocodile - Death roll
Latch onto your prey and roll quickly, tearing chunks of meat off!

Red Kangaroo Joey - Tummy Hole
Connected to the Chipmunk pouch, you are able to store larger items via a kangaroo stomach pouch!

Red Kangaroo - Kick strength
With a large muscular tail, you are able to get more strength with your kicks.

Koala - Toxic Diet
Able to consume toxic substances without any drawbacks!

Fester the Dung Beetle - Mobile Home
From a small sphere, you are able to enter it into a home that you can live in! Once inside, you are hidden inside the small indestructible sphere.

Gecko - Limb Regen
If a limb or body part is removed in its entirety, you are able to grow it back!

Kookaburra - Screm
Able to be heard long distances away.

- Chapter Twenty Eight -

Pangolin - Armored Shell
Thick scales cover your body creating a set of armor that's impossible to penetrate!

Honey badger - Take no shit!
Immune to all forms of venom or poisons. Medication taken deliberately continues it's effects, any hidden poisons in the medication become null.

Ant Eater - Watch me whip
Your tongue elongates to become a whip.

Hyena - Jaw Breaker
Your bite strength is able to break bones.

Mountain goat - 90°
Able to stand on perfectly vertical surfaces with ease.

African Crested Porcupine - Youch!
Summon sturdy quills that you are able to rip off and throw at your enemies!

- Chapter Twenty Nine -

Rocket Raccoon - Pew Pew!
Able to easily master, care for and create any gun or weapon.

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