Chapter 18 - Daddy?

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- Two Days Later -

I roar like a lion and easily throw Wade off me, tossing him across the room. He squeals out like a girl and hits the wall with an 'oof'. He holds his hand up with a thumbs up. "Good job! More claws, don't be afraid to do damage if they try to hurt you kitten."

"Again." I say with a huff, wiping the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand.

"Flower, you've been at this for hours. You've perfected it." Bucky says from the sidelines, Jafar wrapped around his neck.

"I don't want to be caught like that again." I say with a feline growl, side eyeing him.

"There's nothing more I can teach you my Padawan." Wade says as he pulls himself off the floor, cracking his back with a grunt.

"Fine, if there's nothing more to teach me then I need to leave." I say crossing my arms. It's time for the superhero training montage.

"What why?!" Bucky says with alarm, his eyes wide and wild.

"Because, the more animals I befriend, the stronger I become. I want to be able to pimp slap Hela when she comes out of her time out." I state with a huff my brain calculating which animals I should be friend.

"You're not fighting Hela." Wade says with a frown, resting his hands on his hips like a scolding mother.

"I will not let hundreds of thousands of people die and their home be destroyed Wade." I say while gesturing my hands around wildly.

"If you're leaving then you need bodyguards. Multiple." He states with a raised brow.

"I'll come with-" Bucky pipes up.

"You're still technically a wanted man Bucky." I tell him flat out with a sigh.

"You're not going if I'm not going doll." He glares at me my eyes widen at this and I growl.

"Try and stop me." I hiss at him. Sick and tired of being told what to do.

Bucky stands up and strides towards me with a look of displeasure. "Whoa! Whoa whoa whoa!" Wade intervenes holding his hands up.

"I'm going." I turn and walk out of the room, heading straight for my bedroom to grab my things. Tony stands just outside my room. Just as I'm about to ask him what he needs my prey skills feel hunted once more, the hairs on my body standing on end. Behind me? I use my scorpion skill and strike behind me, hearing a hiss of pain. Readying my claws and Rooster feet I roar at them. I turn and see Steve, my eyes widen in shock. What the fuck? Steve why-

Steve holds his abdomen, rushing me. I grab a hold of him with my strength and easily throw him down the hall. Fuck this, they're acting weird. I need more space! I book it towards the living room, Tony hot on my heels pressing something on his watch. Rabbit ears form and I hear something launching after me. I use quick strike and speed to kick myself off a wall and dodge out of the way, whatever it was sails past me. What the fuck was that?! Was.. WAS HE TRYING TO IMPRISON ME?! My prey and predator skills scream at me to run.

"Fuck!" Tony curses. Following my animal instincts I book it to the open patio. "SHIT NO! LEXI!" He screams out rushing over to me. "WAIT! DONT GO!" I jump up onto the chair and activate my rabbit jump leaping off of the tower into the free air.

Glitch with my Rebirth - MCU Isekai Yandere FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now