Chapter 19 - V3nom

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- Morning -

Yawning loudly I stretch my arms above my head with a happy moan. What a good fucking dream..

Getting up and out of the bed, I walk out of the room Venom showed me last night and stop. Seeing Eddie Brock topless with an apron around him cooking breakfast, he hears me enter and he turns. GOOD GOD THIS IS EVERY WOMAN'S WET DREAM! Waking up to a man shirtless in his boxers making breakfast?! "Oh.. uh, good morning." He clears his throat and returns to the food.

"Morning Eddie.." I say with a smile walking over to sit down, Venoms head eagerly grows from Eddie's back moving over to me.

"Morning Morsel." Venom says with a smile.

"Morning Venom." I say with a smile to him. "Thank you for letting me stay here, I appreciate it." I say to the both of them.

"It's no problem, I'm always up to help someone in need." Eddie smiles to me.

"Did you sleep well Morsel?" Venom gets close and asks me, I pet his head causing the symbiote to purr. Eddie stiffens with a shiver at the stove before he resumes moving.

"I did, even had a good dream which hasn't happened in months." I say with a sigh, enjoying petting Venom. The texture of his skin feels good on my hands.

"Why not?" Eddie asks curiously, turning to look at me.

"I was kidnapped and held within a house for that long.. I managed to escape." I say with a sigh.

"Shit. They get the fucker?" Eddie asks with a frown, Venom growls at the thought of someone kidnapping his morsel as I pet him.

"Yep they got him. I have no idea where they put him though." I say with a shrug, Eddie plates the food and puts it on the table.

"Dig in." He says with a smile, I pull out another chocolate bar from my pouch and hand it to Venom who takes it eagerly. I then dig in with a smile. Chocolate chip pancakes.

"Fuck this is good." I say with a smile, enjoying the texture of the food on my tongue. So much so that I move it around in my mouth some more.

"Thanks, Venom loves them." Venom eagerly gnaws on the chocolate bar.

"I like the morsel. She gives me good chocolate!"

"Heh, thanks Venom it's the least I can do." I rub the back of my head before going back to eating.

"You're welcome here as long as you want." Eddie says with a smile, taking a bite of his food.

"I can pay you Eddie, moneys no problem."

"If you had money why didn't you stay in a hotel?" He asks curiously, squinting his eyes with confusion.

"The people after me is Tony Stark, who has access to an AI who can hack into anything. Cash or not he would find me on the CCTV footage.." I say with a loud sigh.

"Jesus, why does he want you?" Eddie asks in confusion.

"I think he thinks he's protecting me.. I used to live with the Avengers before I left.. Two days after I got kidnapped I told them I wanted to leave, to strengthen myself. They disagreed, I left to my room to pack some things.. I.. my instincts told me something was off so I booked it.. when I ran, Stark sent something flying after me... I assume it was something to cage me.. I then jumped out of the top floor window."

Glitch with my Rebirth - MCU Isekai Yandere FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now