Ch. V ✡Alastor & Zestial✡

Start from the beginning

But he does point out this; you appear almost melancholy, hiding it well behind your fancy words delivered with an Old English twist, wearing a mask of lies every day to hide what truly rests underneath.

Reasons why Alastor has come to this assumption, is because he rarely sees you smile; you don't go out of your way to talk to anyone else at the hotel, and you always appear so closed off, getting assigned a duty before you lock yourself in an office for hours on end until either your break comes, or it's time for you to go home.

Of course, Alastor shouldn't care, due to your disrespectful act you did to him little over a week ago. In fact, it's rather a good thing you're staying out of people's way, makes it easier for him to forget about you from time to time. But...curiosity gets the best of him.

Why are you like that? Is that just how you are? Did your father have a hand in it--only to make Alastor's 'daddy issues' theory become a possible fact? it something more than that? Something deeper?

Hm, if that is the case, then it makes Alastor even more curious. What secrets are hidden under those striking dark green eyes of yours? What...weakness can Alastor find, and use against you?

This is all just a game to Alastor, nothing serious. Just a simple tit for tat that's entertaining. Truly, Alastor knows that you outrank him, and if any harm was to fall upon you, Zestial would ravage chaos upon the one who dared hurt his daughter.

So, no dangerous--or threatening--things will happen. But he CAN play some mind games with you, just for shits and giggles to see your reaction. And to see if deep're just another pathetic soul who only has your rank and status to make you sound and appear big.

This will be QUITE entertaining for him! Being able to see your weaknesses with them.

Upon walking on the sidewalk of Hell's filth ridden streets--with the five egg bois still following Alastor--he suddenly feels a pair of eyes from the darkness watching his every move intently, a predatorial way.

And then, the sudden appearance of the one watching blocks Alastor's path, stopping him from walking entirely. Alastor's blood runs a little cold upon seeing his face...of course, he isn't scared, he was just taken by surprise from the sudden arrival of this man.

Though he was a LITTLE nervous that this well-known Overlord had appeared so randomly from thin air, at the same moment that Alastor was thinking ill-intended thoughts of this Overlord's...daughter.

It was coincidental. A very...nerve racking coincident.

"Hark, Alastor. How fare thee, this day?" The voice of Zestial speaks. His four glowing, lime green eyes staring down at Alastor who stands before him.

Zestial had been lingering in the shadows for some time, looking for something to do. He didn't feel like spending his day stuck inside his mansion, while you were out and about somewhere in Pentagram city, taking care of whatever else you needed done.

He wanted to go out and find something entertaining to do, and during these few moments of boredom, Zestial's eyes had fallen upon Alastor. An interesting coincidence, though Zestial and Alastor had seen each other recently, they didn't get the chance to...properly talk as of yet.

That and...he is also curious to see what Alastor's opinion is on having you as a co-owner of the Hazbin Hotel. Whenever Zestial tries to ask you how everything is going, you don't respond with detailed answers, just a simple 'everything is going well,' before you leave to your bed chambers.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Where stories live. Discover now