Ch. IV ✡Andrealphus✡

Start from the beginning

The slightly larger demon to the left flashes a look between you and your father, inhaling a quick breath which straightens his posture, as his four fingered hand extends to twist the door knob open for your entry.

"Greetings. The Prince is waiting for you in his longue. It is to the left, two doors down."

Zestial and you step inside, your father nodding his thanks to the demon, while you gaze upon the inside of this palace, your lips parted in...amazement.

The inside shines brightly--not enough to blind, but enough to be lit in the dark of the night--, the colors of blue and gold reflect through the clear polished ice ceiling above your head, while a stunning chandelier hangs.

Your fuzzy reflection surrounds you, as if you stand in the midst of a house of clouded mirrors, your shoes making faint clinking sounds against the finely polished ice beneath your feet.

Curious, you extend a hand to touch the wall to see if it's cold, but to your amazement, it isn't. It's almost as if you're touching glass and not ice. Warm, and smooth.

"It is impolite to touch, daughter," Zestial points out, having you bring your hand down to your side, realizing the improper behavior you just showed.
Zestial asked of you to be your best today. Don't speak until spoken too, sit up straight, speak with a clear voice, and smile.

This is the first meeting between you and Andrealphus--though your father has had countless meetings with him to discuss of an agreement to your marriage--and by Gods, as much as you hate the idea of this need to be respectful.

You need to put on a mask of flattery, smiles, and charm for the time being. Until your plan comes to fruition, you are forced to go along with this like a puppet on strings.

You silently can't help but pray that in due time, the strings in your back will loosen just enough for you to reach behind and cut free with the scissor of Fate.

Another demon appears, one a bit better dressed then the ones outside. He wears a pale blue undershirt with a white button up vest, a golden chain attached at his vest's pocket, hanging outside his pocket is a palm sized golden watch.

His skin is pale with a tint of blue, a mouth full of fangs as his eyes hold a black color with blue pupils, his hair a yellowish orange color, which in truth, goes against his outfit entirely.

Clearing his throat, the demon's hands clasp behind his back.
"You must be Y/N," he says in a slight British accent. "You may call me Austin. I was sent by Prince Andrealphus to come bring you to the longue."

The demon's eyes fall on your father who stands behind you. "With all due respect, Andrealphus requests Y/N only for the time being." Faintly, you can hear the nervousness in Austin's tone, though he tries to hide it behind a calm exhale through his nose.

Instinctively, you look behind you to see your father's reaction, in hopes that he will deny this and join you, no matter what Andrealphus wants.
You don't think you can handle this alone...your first meeting with a man you are forced to marry?

You fear you'll spilt in two entirely from nervousness.

Zestial nods once, his top two eyes shutting, whereas the rest of his eyes squint a little. "Of course," Zestial replies calmly, before giving you a reassuring glance, almost mind speaking to you.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Where stories live. Discover now