Part 17: training

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I collapse to my hands and knees in exhaustion as beeds of swat drip off my face and fall to the ground in front of me all while drear stands above me with her lightsaber at the back of my neck

Drear: get up

Her cold unfeeling voice cuts through the crackles of the plasma like a hot knife through butter sending a shiver down my spine. I stand up in fear as she gets ready to kick my ass once again

Drear: don't tell me you beat me on a fluke, give into the rage like you did back then! Do I need to kill another friend of yours?

My blood starts to boil as my grip on my sabers tighten as I focus my eyes on exactly her helmet as I get ready for her to strike

Drear: maybe that little togruta girl ne-

I scream in anger making the sand around me blast away from me as the entire mountain shake as I launch my entire body towards drear who blocks my attack with relative ease

Drear: yes give in to the anger!

She shouts in excitement as she rolls away dodging a kick to the gut but before she can stand up I throw my purple saber at her making her block it and throwing it away giving me an opportunity to draw my blaster and aim at an opening on her gut which she shouldn't be able to block which she realises and jumps away from me and into the sky. I holster my blaster as my purple saber returns back to my hand

Drear: you're too predictable

She lands on the ground and dashes towards me as fast as a blaster bolt but just like a bolt I block her attack with my yellow saver while I use my purple to swipe at her head but she grabs my wrist and twists it until it snaps making me shout in pain and anger as I drop the saber leaving me open to a knee to my gut staggering me and making my stomach churn before I feel her sabers heat press on my Adam's apple

Drear: you are too predictable the Jedi made you weak, I'll have to break you and build you stronger

I extinguish my saber as drear does the same. I get on my knee while grabbing my purple saber with my now broken hand

Drear: rise we will continue to fight until I'm satisfied with your dualing prowess

I do as she says and rise to my feet and before I can ignite my sabers her lightsaber slashes my arm making me grit my teeth and hold back my pain as I ignite my sabers and make an x to block her attack but before I can counter she unleashes a torrent of force lightning making me take a knee so I can support my body against the lightning

Drear: stand up!

The torrent ends and I lunge towards her almost instantly but she side steps my strike and kicks me on the back of my head making me hit the ground hard once more with her blade at the back of my head

Drear: I thought teenagers were good at getting angry, I surely was

I deactivate my blades and she does the same before I stand up but she kicks the back of my knees making me kneel on the ground

Drear: the Jedi who taught you taught you well I'll have to tell her the next time our blades meet

I look at her with anger in my eyes and when she looks at me she chuckles before crouching down so we are face to face

Drear: is that the only way to make you mad? Threaten your pathetic Jedi friends?

I force push her away sending her flying back into a wall of a canyon making her groan in pain as the rocks around her crack as I continue to force her into the wall. I ignite my yellow saber and approach her while keeping her on the wall

Drear: good! Let your hate flow through you!

I look at her in disgust as she laughs hysterically at me. I stab my lightsaber into the wall right next to her head

Y/n: you are weaker than me why should I let you live

She stops laughing and suddenly adopts a much more threatening aura

Drear: oh no child there's a reason I'm the master and you're not

I feel my throat tighten as I'm lifted off the ground and thrown to the floor

Drear: you have the potential to be more powerful than me, maybe even my master but you are not stronger than either of us yet!

I feel a sharp pain in my head making me groan as it grows more and more painful like my head is about to split apart, I scream out in pain as tears and sweat drip down my face and saliva pours out my mouth


Drear crochets down holding her hand to my temple while laughing

Drear: you should learn your place, you aren't stronger then me and you will never be until you give in to your anger

She lowers her hand and all the pain instantly stops but I don't get up yet my body is still in too much shock to stand. Drear looks at me one last time before walking away most likely back to base leaving me laying on the rocky canyon floor

(Hope you enjoyed this shorter chapter word count 935)

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