Part 4: under pressure

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We I follow the masters as they walk towards a room where I assume the Jedi named pong krel

Esma: are you alright y/n

Y/n: I'm fine master just confused

Esma: please elaborate

Y/n: why wouldn't the council check my midichlorine count when I was brought in the temple

Yoda: trusted master pong krel is, answers he must have

I go to say something but I decided I shouldn't argue with grandmaster yoda. When we arrive at the room I assume master krel resides yoda knocks on the door with his cane and the door opens revealing the large figure of a basilisk making me back up a bit

Krel: what do I owe the council such a visit

Obi-wan: master krel do you know the
midi-chlorian count of padawan y/n

Master pong Krel scratches his chin

Krel: I did know the count when I first brought him to the temple but I've forgot over the years sorry that I couldn't be of any assistance

I can tell there is something up with him from the tone he speaks in to the way he talked, it sounded as if he was deceiving us but I ignore it as he might just speak like that

Yoda: fine it is, for your time thank you

We leave and they lead me to a medical center where I was once in the bacta tank

Y/n: why are we here master

Yoda: checking your midi-chlorine we are

A medical droid floats towards us and asks us for the situation and master esma explains that we need a midi-chlorine test and I'm led to a chair by the droid and I have a syringe extract some of my blood before a droid puts a bandaid on the entry point. My blood is taken to a machine which after a minute beeps indicating that it has measured the midi-chlorine count inside if my cells and the droid floats back over to us

Droid: the midi-chlorine of this boy is 19'500

My jaw drops at heat this number and I look down at my hands thinking of all the power I have

Yoda: intriguing this is

Obi-wan: indeed

The two start to converse but master esma walks towards me and puts a hand on my shoulder

Esma: don't worry I'll teach you everything so you can be the best Jedi you could be

I smile and look at her

Y/n: thank you master

Time skip 3 days training

Master esma's and my blades clash together

Esma: keep a clear mind y/n that's the key to victory

I nod as I jump back from master esma who twirls her double bladed lightsaber in between her hands before stopping and charging at me so I ready to defend from her two blades but she suddenly throws the lightsabers making me duck under it but before I can get back up she kicks my lightsaber out of my hand and pushes me to the ground before her lightsaber flys back into her hands

Esma: do you think of my lightsaber as two separate blades

She helps me off of the ground and I force pull my lightsaber back into my hand

Y/n: of course I do it has two blades

Esma chuckles then smirks confusing me

Esma: double bladed lightsabers can only attack with one blades at a time so you need to think of it as a singular blade

The lost Jedi (Male reader x Ahsoka Tano)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz