Part 11: the crusaders

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I sit on a crate with tiger, sparrow, viper, grizzly and crow sitting on there own crates or on the floor around me

Crow: so you were kidnapped

Y/n: yea pretty much, I don't have a defence to be honest I was just captured

Esma: and that's why he's back in the field with us

We all stand up at attention making her softly chuckle

Y/n: we will be going to mandlore right

She nods her head before walking towards a clone transport ship which we climb aboard of and we are joined by pink and patch who are already in there chatting

Y/n: hey guys

PP: hey kid

I chuckle at them saying that at the same time while the ship lifts off the ground and takes us to the hanger where we are transported to a light cruiser where we disembark Edith everyone going in there own directions but I stay in the hanger. I force pull a heavy crate towards me which I sit against so I can look out a hanger door that is closed via a translucent energy field. I take out my music recorder and I play one of my favourite artists as we jump into hyperspace

Crow: never herd that music before

I look over to see crow who takes a seat next to me

Y/n: his names Jack Stauber, he's a Nautolan like master kit fisto

He nods before we watch the blue streaks fly by the ship as we travel through time and space

Crow: good choice in music

We sit silently as we watch the universe bend around us and after 15 minutes we jump out of hyperspace where we see our destination of mandalore

Crow: you better go to dara for the mission brief

I nod my head as I stand up and walk to the bridge where I see master esma talking with master yoda amd master windu so against my better judgement I decide to lurk out of sight so I can hear what they are saying

Windu: the boy is to powerful for his own good he needs to learn restraint

Esma: he knows restraint it's you two who need to restrain you push him to learn how to fight like a master for this war that's gone on for much to long, when you first proposed me the idea of extra lessons for y/n I was all for it because he loves training but you push him to hard he doesn't have time to rest anymore! He is a kid let him relax for once... he sleeps right after a battle only to be awoken by another, the kid needs to rest

I smile at her protest of my training but I also scowl as I should be pushed to my limit so I can protect the innocent and the ones I care for

Y/n: master I'm fine with the training if anything I need more

I step into the veiw to see she has a shocked expression and so do yoda and mace windu

Yoda: sense you I did not sorry y/n

Y/n: it's fine master but I need to be the best Jedi I can be master so the extra training is fine

She looks at me concerned before steadying herself and looking at the two masters

Windu: we will continue this later

And with that the hologram turns off and the room is filled with silence

Esma: my apologies y/n I thought the doors were locked

Y/n: it's fine master but what's this mission about

The lost Jedi (Male reader x Ahsoka Tano)Where stories live. Discover now