Part 5: shift in the force

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I jump into the trench as shrapnel flies over my head

Crow: close one

I spin my blaster in my hand as I put my lightsaber away

Y/n: you could of helped

Grizzly: it's funnier to see you struggle

I roll my eyes as I start firing at the droids who are charging over no mans land

Tiger: where is our air support

He throws a grenade into the air and I force push it towards the advancing droids exploding destroy a fair few of them

Y/n: take that clankers

I duck under cover as a blast bolt flys past me making the clones laugh

Sparrow: don't get to ahead of yourself

Viper chuckles as he ruffles my hair

Viper: don't worry kid you'll be able to make fun of us one day

I roll my eyes as we continue to fire at the remaining droids who are running towards our fortifications. The sounds of star fighters blare over head and a few seconds later we see them fly past us and drop the bombs on top of the droids obliterating them

Y/n: hopefully the space assault is going well

As soon as I say that I hear a clone shout more are coming but before I can even see what they are talking about I hear more blaster fire sound of making me duck under cover as the assault starts all over again

Y/n: damn clankers don't know when they are out of their league

I ignite my saber and ready my blaster

Y/n: I'll cause a distraction you guys take out the tanks and lend covering fire

I hop out of cover and rush towards the droids who instantly start firing at me so I fire back s as lol the whole returning their bolts back at them. I jump on top of one of the tanks and cut the main barrel greatly reducing the accuracy and range of the tan before I jump onto the ground and slice apart a super battle droid and force push another into some b1's. I start slicing through the bird of droids as I use the force to help slow down the blaster bolts allowing me to not get by hit by any of the bolts. I hear a rocket fly over my head and I look over to the cause of this to see that some of the clones have pushed up with me making me smile as I slice into another tank hearing a clanker shout out in surprise. I spin my lightsaber in my hand as I fire my blaster into the tanks hull punching holes through it but as I do this I miss calculate where the droids are and hit it's file supplies making it instantly explode giving me no time to react I go flying through no mans land as the explosion was a mixture of both the ammunition and the fuel supply. I land maybe 15 meters away from the exploded tank with my blaster and lightsaber beside me. I close my eyes as I hear yelling and when I re open them I see that I'm getting dragged by my arms by droids

Droid: bring him to interrogation

My eyes become heavy and blurry as it continues to speak but I don't hear what it says as the ringing in my ear is to loud for me to hear them and I soon pass out

POV tiger

We cheer as we are these droids retreat, whatever the commander did definitely scared them off

Grizzly: that kid has some real guts. Whenever we have a mission he goes full out compared to some Jedi

I slap his shoulder as I look for the commander but I don't see him

Viper: where did the commander go

I shrug as I continue to search for y/n with my scope but again I don't even see a trace of them

The lost Jedi (Male reader x Ahsoka Tano)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن