Not leaving you

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As Miranda sat alone in the quiet of their once-shared space, the weight of her decision pressed heavily on her heart. The room, once filled with warmth and shared dreams, now seems to echo with the emptiness of her solitude. She replayed the conversation with Ben in her mind, each word a heavy stone in the pit of her stomach.Doubt crept in, and the ache of regret tightened around her chest. Miranda wondered if she made a mistake.

The photo frames around the home told tales of laughter, love, and the resilience they've built together. Miranda contemplated the significance of those captured smiles and the promises they once held. The vulnerability of admitting she needed a break gnawed at her and a sense of longing for the familiar comforts of their relationship set in.

Yet, amid the regret, a deeper understanding lingers. The realization that she needed to confront her struggles for the sake of her well-being persisted, and with that came a sense of reluctant conviction.In the solitude of the room, Miranda contemplated the complexities of love and self-discovery, hoping that the sabbatical would become a catalyst for healing rather than a permanent divide. As she navigated the storm of conflicting emotions, she clung to the hope that by standing by her decision, the love they shared would endure and perhaps even emerge stronger on the other side. The room remained still, a silent witness to the internal struggle of a woman torn between the regrets of the past and the uncertain promise of the future.

She didn't want him to leave but she wanted this pain in her chest to go away. She didn't know what else to do. She tried removing different stressors from her life but nothing was working. She was at the end of her road. She prayed that she didn't just ruin her marriage with Ben.

As he walked by with suitcase in hand he opened the door. She stared at him. Wanting to beg him to stay but decided that she needed to try this. He lingered in the door waiting for his wife to beg him to stay. Wishing all this wasn't even happening. Wishing that something in this moment would change. But the reality of their situation was striking him in the face.

"I guess this is it" He looked at his wife

"Don't say it like that" She sighed "It's just a little break"

"I don't even know how to leave" He looked at her with sadness in his eyes "I want to kiss you goodbye. But I mean do I do that or not" He shook his head. This shouldn't even be happening to him. To them. They were a unit and he wanted to stay and tackle this together as a unit. "Should I just leave" He kept waiting for her to say something. Anything. But she just stood there. "I guess I'll just go" He walked out the door. That gnawing feeling still tugging at him. This wasn't right. Nothing about this made sense. He was angry, hurt, and confused. He stood there briefly after putting his suitcase in his car. No. He thought to himself. This was his house and his wife and he wasn't going anywhere. They were going to fight this together.

He rushed back to the house pushing the door open. He knew she would still be standing there. His lips crashed into hers in a desperate frenzied kiss. He kissed her as if this was his last time ever kissing her igniting a fire within them both. Their bodies pressed together. Their breaths mingled, their hearts beating in sync as they lost themselves in the moment. Time seemed to stand still as their lips moved in perfect harmony, expressing their desire and love for each other. The intensity of their kiss deepened, their tongues dancing in a sensual rhythm. Ben pulled Miranda closer, his hands entangled in her hair as he savored every moment of their passionate embrace. They finally broke apart, their faces flushed and their eyes sparkling with love and longing.

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment. Her love for Ben was so consuming. She loved him more than she ever imagined loving someone else before. The love she felt for Tucker didn't even compare to the way Ben Warren makes her heart race. She stood there searching for words, for thoughts, for anything but all she could do was gasp for her air and whimper. Ben stepped away from her and walked back out of the door. She thought he was going to leave for good this time. Instead, he walked back inside with his suitcase.

"This is my house. You are my wife. I will be damned if I let you be in this house in crisis all alone. So to hell with being a firefighter if that's what it takes but baby I am not leaving you" He sat his suitcase on the floor

"Ben" Her voice trembled "Please"

"No" He shook his head "You did this to me after the shooting. You pushed me away and you are not going to push me away again so someone else who doesn't have a big scary job can come in and hold you together like tape and glue. That's not happening. What is happening is I am going to stay here with my WIFE. And tomorrow morning you are going to call your therapist and talk about this with a professional. You are not pausing us because this is not a game. We are not dating anymore we are married. We took vows and I meant mine. Did you?"

"Of course" She nodded "I just..."

"You just have a lot going on. And shutting me out is not going to fix that" He sighed "I can't imagine my life without you Miranda. I promise to do whatever it takes to make things right," he whispered, kissing her forehead. "Being married to me is not breaking your heart. Being married to a firefighter is. I will make a million sacrifices for you before I sacrifice you"

"Ben" She whispered into his chest

"I'm here and I'm not going anywhere" He lifted her head to look at him " I am not leaving you"

Again their lips met in a passionate kiss. Ben's hands gently cupped Miranda's face as he deepened the kiss, his tongue gently exploring her mouth. They soon found themselves in their bedroom shedding clothes. Climbing on the bed. As they lay on the bed, their lips still locked in a passionate kiss. Their hands explored each other's bodies. The room filled with the sound of their moans and the rustling of sheets as they gave in to their desires. They were lost in each other, and nothing else mattered at that moment.

Hours passed, and they lay tangled in each other's arms. Ben looked over at his wife and smiled "I want to hold you in my arms until all the bad things disappear."

"Well, I don't know if you'll ever let go." She sighed

"I'm perfectly fine with that."

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