XIII- wake me up before you go-go

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Billy's eyes opened slowly, a faint moment of confusion as he didn't recognise it to be his own room. He looked down and seen Dana still sound asleep cuddling into his side and remembered where he was.

A small smile crept on his face looking down at the girl, she looked so peaceful and cute as his hand moved up to push the hair out of her face. He had never really spent these kind of moments with anyone, any girl he did get with would be gone as soon as he was done or vice versa.

He mentally slapped himself, annoyed that his thoughts had trailed into some cheesy, sappy nonsense. This wasn't who he was, pretending or not. He didn't want her thinking this was going to develop into any actual feelings, he just wanted what any other guy would and he was not about to get tied down to anyone.

He slipped himself out of her grasp, watching as her arm bounced onto the mattress. She was deep in sleep, only slightly moving from his absence to get comfy again.

He grabbed his shoes and tried his best to put them on without her waking up. It was still early, the clock reading eight thirty in the morning and for a sunday that meant it was quiet outside with most people still asleep or getting ready for church.

He needed to go before there was any chance for awkward morning conversation. Sure, he'd had a nice night but he just liked her company, it didn't mean anything.

He swung one leg out the window and turned back to look at her one more time. A part of him wanted to stay and kick off his shoes and climb back in and lazily lie around all morning but he suppressed the idea. Like Dana had said the night before; they weren't actually dating.

He swooped his other leg over the window and carefully climbed down the side of her wall and jumping down onto the grass.

Luckily their houses weren't too far apart so it only took around ten minutes or so before he was back home. He noticed his Dad's car was still in the driveway meaning he hadn't gone out to do his usual sunday tasks and he inwardly groaned knowing he couldn't silently slip back into the house unnoticed.

He used to be able to climb back in through his bedroom window until his dad had caught on to that little trick. He had since then locked Billy's window every time he went out meaning if he wanted to come home then he'd have to face him.

Billy sucked in a breath preparing himself for whatever attitude his dad was going to throw at him.

Like predicted, his dad was sitting on the couch awaiting his arrival. His arms were spread out behind him on the couch cushions trying to take up more space and look dominating.

Billy wasn't scared of anything except his dad, he tried to act confident in front of him but inside his heart was beating wildly out of fear. He didn't understand why he hated him so much, he hadn't done anything to warrant the treatment he got. He always looked after Max when asked, he didn't trash the house, he kept to himself and yet nothing was ever good for him.

"What time do you call this?" Neil asked.

He noticed Susan cooking food in the kitchen with her head down and making sure to not make eye contact with either of them. Billy didn't respect her, she knew all about Neil's behaviour and sometimes she even faced his anger herself and yet she didn't do a single thing about it, she just let him walk all over her.

"I stayed at a friends house" Billy dismissed.

Neil let out a forced laugh, raising his eyebrows and squinting his eyes at Billy indicating he didn't believe a single word out his son's mouth.

"You know you really need to stop sleeping around and focus on your duties in this house" Neil warned.

Billy thought it was ironic; the one time he brought up Billy's habits with women and he hadn't even done anything of the sorts. Not that his dad would believe that if he tried explaining it however.

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now