V- heaven knows i'm miserable now

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Dana felt more confident as she walked into school the following Monday morning. She hadn't spent her sunday feeling sorry for herself in bed after Steve basically bailed on her once again.

Instead she had reminisced about her night spent in the diner with Billy. They didn't do anything too risky but they did make out a fair bit once or twice... or three times.

It was easy to see why all the girls in school fawned over him, he definitely had the charm. She liked how his hands would rest on her hips or occasionally get lost in her hair, her previous experience in kissing wasn't very vast to say the least. There was her first boyfriend who she had only dated out of pressure from Steve who had encouraged her to say yes as they were friends at the time and played basketball together. It didn't last very long and his family was weirdly religious so they only kissed once and it wasn't very good. She'd had a handful of makeouts with a few other boys in school at parties but none that were very memorable.

Obviously she still liked Steve, those kind of feelings don't disappear overnight. She wasn't looking forward to seeing him today, she hadn't said goodbye to or even heard from him so she assumed he was either annoyed with her or was too wrapped up in Nancy land to even notice her departure.

"You're like in some weird bubble today dude, are you even listening to me?" Robin complained from next to her.

They were standing by Dana's locker as Robin detailed how her parents had forced her to go visit her grandparents a few towns over and she was forced to wear something super girly which she naturally despised.

"Of course i'm listening" Dana replied.

"You seem distracted" Robin noted.

Robin was right, she was distracted. Her mind hadn't stopped thinking about the two boys since she got home in the early hours of Sunday morning.

She replayed how Billy's lips felt on hers, how his woody cologne infiltrated her nose as he left a trail of hickeys near her collarbone. Her fingers subconsciously traced over the marks, she had done her best to hide them by wearing a high neck sweater but one still managed to peek through just a little bit further down from her ear.

"What is that?" Robin asked in shock as she noticed the girl in front of her toy with her collar.

"Nothing" She dismissed.

Robin might be a bit naive, airheaded even but she wasn't stupid. She knew exactly what was on her best friends neck and she also happened to know who Dana had went to the party with.

"Who did that?" She pressed "Was it Steve?"

Their eyes met and widened; Dana seemed taken aback by Robin even suggesting it had been Steve, as far as she knew Robin was as blind about her little crush as Steve himself. Robin knew Dana wasn't the type to just hook up at parties, not recently anyway.

"Of course not" Dana dismissed wanting Robin to drop the subject before Steve ultimately turned up and heard the conversation.

Her mind had circled back to Steve this weekend as much as it had thought about Billy. She was still upset about him hooking up with Nancy and she dreaded to think about how far they got or how serious they were. She hoped it was just another drunken fling and the both of them awkwardly avoided each other in school today solidifying her hope that it wouldn't happen again.

Except when she seen Steve walk in through the doors of the school with a shit eating grin plastered on his face she knew that was not the case. He sauntered over to them holding himself in a way that exuded confidence as his eyes scanned the hallway as if looking for someone in particular and Dana knew exactly who that someone was.

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum