II - manic monday

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"You promised me!"

Dana rolled her eyes for what felt like the hundredth time that morning as she threw her best friend an unamused glare.

"You know I don't like parties!" Robin defended.

"But it was my birthday" Dana hissed.

After leaving Billy, her night didn't get any more interesting. In fact, he was probably the most exciting part of her night. When she had made her way downstairs, she was greeted with the sight of Steve making out with Nancy Wheeler surrounded by a group of eager teenagers watching on as they played spin the bottle.

She was crushed.

Of course out of anyone, it just had to be prissy miss perfect Nancy Wheeler. Dana had heard Steve dote over her before although she always tried her best to tune it out. She wondered what Nancy had that she didn't, they lived on the same street with a similar house and upbringing. They both had dark brown hair and got good grades in school, sure Nancy wore nicer clothes; girlier but Dana dressed nice too.

She knew it didn't mean anything, it was just a stupid game of spin the bottle but that didn't stop her grabbing the closest bottle of Tequila and taking several shots while she felt sorry for herself.

It was her birthday and she felt miserable. Robin hadn't even bothered to show up and Steve seemed to be having way more fun amongst the popular kids and Nancy freakin Wheeler.

Soon enough Steve noticed her reappearance and offered to make space for her to join but she politely declined and mumbled something about not feeling well and wanting to go home. She thought, at least if she went home then Steve would need to walk her there and they could spend some time together, just the two of them.

Except he didn't walk her home, he didn't even offer. He just nodded his head with a knowing smile and continued on with his game.

Dana cried the whole walk home alone.

"I'll make it up to you, we can do anything. Whatever you want" Robin rambled.

The only thing she wanted was a do over. A better birthday. She knew that wasn't possible so she simply nodded at Robin and agreed they'd do something else.

"Can you guys keep it down? I'm still nursing the hangover from hell" Steve groaned from the front seat, his sunglasses protecting him from the blinding sun above them.

"How are you still not recovered? It's monday" Robin asked, her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"It was a wild night, what can I say?" Steve shrugged.

Dana was upset with them both but they were her best friends and she didn't have much besides them so she tried to force herself into a better mood. It was a new week and so she was determined to make it better than the one prior.

School had only started two weeks ago but she was already exhausted, she had five projects due by friday alone so she knew most of her weeknights were going to be spent studying and working on them.

She didn't mind it completely however, it gave her something to focus on while she sat in her house all alone. Her mom worked long shifts so by the time she was home in the late evening she went straight to bed. Things had been harder since her dad passed a few years before, her mom worked more hours to keep herself distracted and to bring in some more money.

"Hello? Earth to Dana" Steve sassed clicking his fingers in front of her face.

Dana mumbled a sorry and tuned back into their conversation. They discussed the usual  topics; classes for the day, gossip from the party, plans for lunch etc.

Sweet Nothings // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now