Chapter 29: Seek

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Saturday Morning


In the morning, Ganyu and Childe left early for work. Hu Tao stayed for breakfast but then soon left too to go to work. Y/N and Scaramouche are sitting at the edge of the Jade Chamber. Scaramouche looked into Y/N's eyes, she was visibly upset. "What's got you down my love?" He asked. "Nothing, it's just, this is happening so fast. Dooms Day is tomorrow. The force field is being put up tonight. It's just...a lot." Y/N responded.

"I know," Scaramouche responded, putting his arm around her. "But you should know that we're in this together. I promise I won't let anything happen to you." "No it's not that, it's my friends I'm concerned about. What's going to happen to them? How far is Ace willing to go?" "The unknown is scary Y/N. I know that all too well. Ningguang told me the plan a while ago. It guarantees no deaths."

"What do you mean?" Y/N asked. "The Traveler, has shared with us some of their recipes, something called a 'Teyvat Fried Egg' that can help revive people from death." "How is that even possible?" Y/N asked. "I don't know but it's extremely useful in our situation. We also have some good healers on our team and Archons. I'm sure your friends will be fine." Y/N smiled.

"But then why?" "Why what?" "Why are you doing this? Why are you protecting me?" Y/N asked. Scaramouche smiled. "When I first met you, I knew that you were in trouble. I knew exactly what I was getting into. Why did I choose to stay? Because I love you, and I'll do everything in my power to protect you." Y/N hugged Scaramouche. "Thank you." She mumbled.

"Y/N, again with the thank you's, stop thanking me." "I'm sorry, it's a bad habit." Y/N responded. "Remember my summoning word, 'Mamoru'. If you are ever in trouble, if we end up separating during this battle, call out that name." Y/N nodded. "Welp, I got some stuff to do so I'll see you later." "Fatui stuff?" Y/N asked. "No it's not that, it's something else. Let's just call it an...interrogation." Scaramouche smirked standing up. "Stay safe, don't leave the Jade Chamber, I'll be back soon~" He smiled, jumping off the edge of the Jade Chamber. Y/N waved goodbye and went inside, wondering what Scaramouche had to do.


Scaramouche POV


Scaramouche walked through the city of Liyue, looking for a certain tall ginger. At the sleepover he mentioned that there was something stopping him from protecting Y/N. He also said that he knew about Ace and almost addressed him as 'Master'. Scaramouche felt like he had some information that he wasn't telling everyone else, hence the 'interrogation'.

The only question was where was he going to find him? He already went to Northland Bank and he wasn't there. So where is he? Scaramouche continued to walk around, he walked past Y/N's flower shop. On the door, there was a sign that said 'Sorry, We're Closed'. Liyue was practically empty, all the civilians had already evacuated to Mondstadt so it should've been easy to find Childe, so why was Scaramouche just walking around aimlessly.

Then, he heard a moan from an alleyway. There shouldn't be anyone left in Liyue but vision users, so what exactly is going on? Scaramouche walked down the alleyway, the moaning sounds got louder. He hid from behind the corner and tried to listen in. All he could manage to make out was the word: "Traitor." Once he was sure the threat was gone, he went around the corner to find Childe, on the floor, bleeding.

"Holy shit, you look like a mess. Then again, what's the difference between how you normally look?" Childe groaned. "Will you quit insulting me and help me?" He grunted weakly. Scaramouche got on his knees. "Not until you tell me what the hell is going on." "Scaramouche please." "Answer the question." Childe stayed silent. Scaramouche got up and walked away.

"Wait!" Childe screamed. Scaramouche turned back towards him. "I'll tell you, but you have to help me out." He proposed. Scaramouche groaned. "Fine. It would have been cool to watch you die at my hands but you know something that we don't. Something valuable. So upsy-daisy." Scaramouche cooed, picking Childe up. Childe groaned. "Holy shit you weigh like a thousand pounds." "Shut up." Childe muttered. Scaramouche dragged Childe to Y/N's flower shop, pulling a key out of his pocket and unlocking the door.

"Where did you get that from?" Childe asked. "Thats none of your business." Scaramouche barked, dragging Childe into the store and setting him down on the floor. He then went to grab some bandages and herbs in the back. "How do you know where all this stuff is?" Childe asked when Scaramouche got back with medication. "I've been here before. Just, not when Y/N was conscious."

"Creep." "It's not wise to insult your savior." "You're not my savior, you just happened to be there at the right moment." "Whatever you want to call it, Tartaglia. Just know that I can drop your ass off here and leave you to die." Scaramouche mumbled, cleaning up his wounds. "Who even did this to you?" He asked to examine his wounds. Childe stayed silent. "Tartaglia, you promised." "It was Ace." "What?" "It was Ace, Ace did it." 


Words: 906


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