Chapter 28: Popcorn and a Scary Story

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Ganyu thought for a moment. "Do you guys want to pop some popcorn while we wait for Childe and Scaramouche to wake up?" She asked. "I don't mind." Hu Tao hummed while getting up. "Let's go then, the kitchen is not too far from my room." Y/N beamed, also getting up and walking towards the door, Hu Tao and Ganyu followed behind.

"And if they're still not awake, then we can change into some cute pajamas!" Hu Tao exclaimed following Y/N to the kitchen. Once they made it to the kitchen, Y/N opened up one of the cabinets and grabbed some microwavable popcorn. She was about to put the kernels in the pan but Hu Tao stopped her. "Allow me." She smirked.

Y/N grinned and gave her the bag of kernels. Hu Tao popped the popcorn in the bag. This is something that Y/N and Hu Tao did often when they were kids. Y/N grew up around Hu Tao and every time they would have sleepovers, they would make popcorn and Hu Tao would use her vision to pop it. Most of the time, the kernels would come out burnt, but they didn't mind.

When Hu Tao was done popping the popcorn, Y/N poured it in the bowl. "You're getting better at popping them." Y/N exclaimed, popping a piece in her mouth. Hu Tao smiled. "Thank you!" She chimed. The trio walked back to Y/N's room. Childe and Scaramouche were sitting on Y/N's bed rubbing their heads. "Yo, you two need to change into some pajamas. We're going to tell some scary ghost stories while eating popcorn." Ganyu informed Childe and Scaramouche.

Childe nodded and sighed laying down on the bed, completely exhausted. Y/N placed the bowl on the nightstand and headed into the bathroom to change into her pajamas along with Hu Tao and Ganyu. Scaramouche leaned on the bed side.

"Do you really love Y/N?" Childe asked randomly. "What do you mean?" Scaramouche asked. "I mean do you really love Y/N?" "What kind of question is that?" "It's a closed-ended one." Childe teased. "Haha, very funny. I intend to care for Y/N for the rest of her life. If that's not simple enough for you to understand, then yes, I love her." "Do you promise to take care of her?" "Why are you asking me this?" "Just answer the question." "Yes, I promise." Scaramouche mumbled.

"Good because I-I don't think i'll be able to." "What do you mean?" Scaramouche asked, sitting up. "I can't protect her. I'm not strong enough. I just- can't." "You sound like you're going through a midlife crisis. Personally, I find joy from your suffering so please tell me more." Scaramouche smiled. "I can't, it's a secret." "Oh come on, what's the real problem?" Scaramouche asked.

"All you need to know is that I thought I could protect her, but I can't." "From who?" "M-Ace." "How do you know about Ace?" "I have eyes everywhere." Childe responded. "And the problem is," He continued. "I love her. I love her so fucking much. And the fact that I can't protect her from what's about to happen, is...scary." "Ok Tartaglia, first of, back off, she's mine, and two, you know something don't you?" "I-'' Just then, the bathroom door swung open.

"We're ready!" Hu Tao exclaimed. Scaramouche and Childe looked over to see Ganyu, Hu Tao, and Y/N dressed in cute teddy bear onesies. Childe and Scaramouche could only stare in awe. Scaramouche walked over and circled Y/N. ''Where did you get those from?" He smiled. "You look adorable but I think you'll look hotter with it off-" "I got them for her and if you try anything and I mean anything tonight, i'm going to throw you off of the balcony and watch you plummet to the ground." Ganyu threatened, grabbing on tightly to Scaramouches wrist.

"Chill, I was just joking." Scaramouche chuckled nervously. "Good. Cause she bought you and Childe some too." Hu Tao jumped in. "Wha-" Scaramouche was shoved into the bathroom, on the shower door hanged two maid dresses. "What the fuck-" The door swung open and Childe was thrown in too. He took one glance at the 'pajamas' "Hell no." He exclaimed. "Let us out!!" Childe cried banging on the door.

"Not until you put on the dress." Hu Tao sang. "Go ahead and take your sweet time, we've got all night!" Ganyu added. Scaramouche groaned and sank down to the floor. Childe walked over to the outfits, "You want pink or purple?" He asked. "Purple." Scaramouche responded. Childe nodded and tossed him the purple dress.

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