Chapter 14: Safety Conditions

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Y/N read the lines of the paper over and over again, not believing the contents on it. "He's given us a week to hand you over." Ningguang explained. "Are you going to hand me over?!" Y/N screamed, worried. The Traveler looked shocked. "Of course not!! We wouldn't dare to put you in any danger whatsoever!"

Y/N was shocked at the sudden rise of the Travelers voice. The Traveler quickly apologized and stayed quiet. "You see Y/N," Zhongli began, walking over to her. "We wouldn't dare to put you or any of our people in danger. This man is threatening the whole of Teyvat so..."

"We were thinking about starting a war." Ningguang jumped in. "Surely this man can't be that powerful to take us all out." "WHATTTT!" Y/N yapped, "YOU CAN'T START A WAR JUST TO PROTECT MEEE!" She screamed. The Traveler quickly covered Y/N's mouth.

"Shhhhh, this is confidential business that no one needs to know about except for us and the Archons." Y/N quickly apologized. "And we're not starting a war just to protect you but to protect the whole of Teyvat. At this point, everyone is in danger if this man speaks the truth." "So what's your plan?" Y/N asked.

"We were thinking about having an Archon meeting to address this matter." "AN ARCHON MEETING?!?!" Y/N screamed again, quickly covering her mouth for screaming too loud. Ningguang closed the doors to her office so no one else could hear their conversation. "Y/N, I know you're shocked but you need to calm down." Traveler reminded.

"Right, sorry." Y/N apologized. "We plan to have the meeting in 2 days, your presence is mandatory." Ningguang explained. Y/N got nervous, 'Seeing and meeting all of the Archons in one room!' She was very overwhelmed by having to go to the meeting. "Don't worry too much about it." Traveler beamed, almost reading Y/N's mind.

"I'll be there too so you have nothing to worry about!" Y/N smiled at the Travelers generosity. "I'll send word to the rest of the Archons to announce this meeting." Zhongli concluded. Y/N already knew Zhongli's secret which was actually learned by accident when her good friend Venti came to visit.

When he first saw Zhongli, he referred to him as Morax by accident. Venti deeply regrets that day, having to also share his identity in the process of explaining everything to Y/N after getting deeply scolded by Zhongli. Those are the only Archons Y/N knows personally. Meeting the rest of the archons seemed... intimidating, but since the Traveler was going to be there, the meeting seemed a little less overwhelming.

"Also Y/N, have you noticed anything... strange lately, like being harassed or having the feeling that you're being watched? Maybe some objects going missing?" Ningguang asked. Y/N paused, "I think I've encountered this mysterious man before." "Y/N, you have to tell us everything!" The Traveler stated, urging Y/N to tell them more.

Y/N explained everything from the strange men on the road to showing up at the front doors of the Jade Chamber. "Tall and wearing all black you say?" Zhongli asked, grabbing a notepad from off of Ningguang's desk. "Yes." Y/N confirmed. "Can you describe their voice?" The Traveler asked. "It was dark and eerie. It sent shivers down my spine." Zhongli wrote down more notes.

"Y/N, please, don't try to investigate this matter with your friends. I want you to stay safe. Your flower shop will have to be closed until we figure this all out." Ningguang disclosed. "But-" Y/N tried to say something but the Traveler interrupted her. "No buts. We have no idea what this guy's next move is, therefore, you have to be safe and in sight for the time being. Ningguang has prepared a room for you in the Jade Chamber for you to stay in to secure your safety."

"Wait, I have to stay here?" Y/N asked coming out more of like an insult than a question. "Do you have a problem with that?" Ningguang asked, walking over to Y/N putting her hands on her hips, looking intimidating as hell. "No Ma'am!" Y/N spoke quickly, trying not to get on Ningguang's bad side. "You will be allowed to go outside, but you have a 6pm curfew. There will be guards guarding your door if you try to break it. Understand?" Y/N nodded quietly.

Ningguang continued, "You are also allowed to have visitors but none after curfew." Y/N nodded understanding the rules she had to follow. "I already appointed some of my maids to go to your house and grab your belongings." Y/N nodded again. "I think that concludes this discussion." Zhongli concluded walking out, "I'll come visit you Y/N." And with that, he walked off. "Yeah, me too!" Traveler smiled while leaving.

"I assume that your friends are outside waiting for you?" Ningguang asked. "You can hang out with them but you must be back here by 6." Y/N nodded, "Okay then, see you soon!" Y/N then walked out the room. Ningguang signed and turned back towards the endless amount of papers she needed to sort through, already giving her a headache.


Author Note: Finally, the stories getting a bit interesting

Words: 886


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