Chapter 13: The Letter

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"Now that I think about it," Hu Tao began as her, Childe, Ganyu, and Y/N walked to the Jade Chamber. "Didn't Ningguang leave abruptly last time we saw her? She said that she had to sort through some documents, right?" Ganyu snapped her fingers. "That might be our answer." "Answer to what?" Childe asked.

"It's important matters that don't concern you, therefore you have nothing to worry about." Ganyu responded. Hu Tao jabbed Ganyu in the stomach with her elbow. "What she means," Hu Tao clarified, "Is that it's personal matters that we don't have time to explain to you right now." Childe nodded and kept walking, understanding that the problem was probably something personal between Y/N, Ganyu, and Hu Tao.

Finally, they got to the Jade Chamber, walking into the building. Ganyu turned towards one of the guards, "Do you know where we can find the Tianquan?" "Oh," The guard responded, "The Tianquan is in her office attending to important matters. She's currently busy." "Can you tell her that this is urgent?" Ganyu asked.

"Ma'am, I don't think that what you have to say is more important than the very destruction of Teyvat-" The guard insisted, then quickly covered his mouth, noticing that he had shared too much. "What if I were to tell you that maybe it did?" Ganyu responded.

The guard looked confused, then looked towards Y/N, "Are you Y/N?" He asked. Y/N nodded. "Oh, then please come with me. The Tianquan demands your presence." "Oh, okay then." Y/N responded, walking inside the Jade Chamber. Hu Tao was about to follow when the guard stopped her, "Only Y/N is allowed in the Jade Chamber right now, sorry." "Oh, okay." Hu Tao spoke sadly.

"Wait, what's the urgent matter and why can't we go in with Y/N?" Childe asked, concerned. "I'm sorry sir but I can't answer any more of your questions." And with that, the guard closed the entrance to the Jade Chamber. "Damnit." Ganyu cursed, turning around and sitting on the curb of the floating palace.

"I wonder what that was all about." Hu Tao wondered, taking a seat next to Ganyu. Childe didn't respond, putting his hand on the door to the entrance. "I hope she's okay." He sighed. "Relax, she's perfectly fine." Ganyu responded, "She's safe in Ningguang's care." Childe stood there for a moment, and then joined Hu Tao and Ganyu on the curve. All of them begin to think about the endless possibilities of what Ningguang had to say to Y/N.


Y/N's POV:


Y/N walked through the doors, the maids all turned towards her and whispered to each other. 'What's that about?' Y/N wondered. One of the workers walked up to her, "Ningguang is down the stairs in her office." "Okay, thanks!" Y/N chirped, walking down the stairs. As she got closer to Ningguang's office, she heard lots of chatter and whispers talking about important matters.

Y/N then heard her name and decided to walk into Ningguangs office. The Traveler, Zhongli, and Ningguang were having a serious conversation. "Oh thank goodness you're ok!" Traveler exclaimed running over to Y/N. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Y/N asked. Ninggugang and Zhongli stayed quiet while the Traveler explained everything.

"After you, Ganyu, and Hu Tao came to our meeting a couple days ago, Ningguang got an important letter from an anonymous person saying-" The Traveler paused, "Maybe it'll be better to show you." The Traveler then picked up what looked like an old piece of paper and handed it to Y/N. The paper read:

'Dear Ms. Ningguang of the Liyue Qixing,

I have sent this letter as a warning to say that you must hand over Y/N L/N to me immediately, or I will set fire to Liyue and the rest of Teyvat. This is not a joke but a simple warning. You have a chance to save your people by just handing over one single person. You have one week to hand Y/N over to me. And if you don't, I will destroy you and all of the other horrible people in this world and take Y/N for myself. Please think long and hard about this decision for it can determine you and everyone else's fates. Don't let me down!'




Author Note: Spoooookyyy👻

Words: 731


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