Chapter 28: Popcorn and a Scary Story

Start from the beginning

It seemed like this was some kind of double edged sword. The pink dress was embarrassing looking but do-able, meanwhile, the purple dress was less embarrassing but was more revealing. "Remind me never to go to one of Y/Ns sleepovers." Childe mumbled putting on the pink maid dress. Scaramouche hesitated but then put his on too. After they finished, they looked in the mirror. "Nope, absolutely not." Scaramouche scoffed, taking the maid dress off.

"Don't. The longer we procrastinate the longer we're going to be stuck in this bathroom." Childe mumbled. "Ok then, you walk out first." "Hell no. You do it." "Ladies first." "You little-" "Boys, we're gonna open the door if you don't come out in a matter of 10 seconds." Hu Tao disclosed. "10...9...8-" Just like that, they flung out of the door. There was a pause, then Hu Tao broke out into laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU GUYS LOOK LIKE-" "Shut up!" Scaramouche screamed in embarrassment. Y/N walked over to Scaramouche. "You wanna switch?" He asked. Y/N giggled. "Don't be embarrassed, you look cute!" Scaramouche smiled . "Not as cute as you." Scaramouche cooed smiling, while cupping Y/N's cheek. Y/N smiled. "Ok ok enough with the PDA, we've got ghost stories to tell!" Hu Tao exclaimed while gesturing everyone to sit on the bed.

Once everyone was seated, Hu Tao turned off the lights and turned on a flashlight and pointed it upwards towards her face. "Is everyone ready?" Hu Tao smirked mischievously. Everyone nodded. "Ok, let me tell you about 'The Lone Hillichurl'." Hu Tao began, "That's a stupid name-" "Nobody asked you!" Hu Tao screamed.

"Now, there once was a hillichurl traveling with some other hillichurls. One night, it was his turn to watch camp while the others slept. While standing outside, he heard a noise. Banging. It got louder and louder by the second. The hillichurl looked around frantically, scared of what was deeper into the forest. Then, the tent that he was supposed to be guarding moved. It violently shook causing the hillichurl to take a step back. Once he mustered up the courage, he unzipped the tent to find-"

BANG. There was a banging noise coming from the balcony. Y/N shook in fear grabbing in tightly to Scaramouches arm. "What was that?" Ganyu asked, looking around. Another bang could be heard from the balcony but was too dark to see the source. "Perhaps it's just the wind?" Childe chuckled nervously, scared to move. Then, there was another bang from the closet, but this one was repetitive.

"There's something in the closet..." Scaramouche announced, looking towards the closet. Another bang. "What do you think it is?" Ganyu asked. "I don't know but whatever it is, I want to kill it." Childe smirked, getting up and walking towards the closet. "Wait! Childe!" Y/N screamed. Then, the banging stopped. Childe swung the closet door open. Nothing.

Childe closed it and turned back towards the group. "It's probably just in our imaginations-" He was about to say when he was tackled to the ground by something. "Childe?!?" Ganyu screamed. "I always knew he would be the first to die. Dumbass." Scaramouche mumbled smiling. Hu Tao tried to turn on the lights but the switch wasn't working.

"Crap!" Hu Tao screamed, trying to turn the lights back on. "Ch-Childe?" Y/N asked, wondering if he was still alive. Silence. Y/N grabbed onto Scaramouche harder. "Holy shit, he really is dead. Or unconscious." Scaramouche jokes. "I hope dead." Ganyu elbowed Scaramouche in the stomach. "Just joking!" He retreated quickly, raising his hands up.

"A little." He muttered under his breath. Then, it got hot, like really hot inside the room. "Why the hell is it so hot in here?!" Scaramouche asked, fanning himself and Y/N. ''Hey guys..." Hu Tao said mischievously, turning towards the group. "Did I ever tell you what that hillichurl saw in the tent?" She asked, smiling. "Huh?" Ganyu looked confused.

"He found a..." Ganyu and Scaramouche looked intrigued while Y/N, terrified. "GHOST MURDERING HIS WHOLE FAMILY!!" Hu Tao screamed, a cute looking ghost appearing behind her. It made Ganyu slightly flinch, Scaramouche looked confused and Y/N shrieked in fear. A couple of moments of silence passed. "Oh come on!! I need a bigger reaction than that!" Hu Tao exclaimed.

"I'm so confused." Scaramouche expressed. "This was a prank dumbass. You didn't even bat an eye!!" Hu Tao yelled annoyed. "I even got Childe in on it to make it more believable!!!" She moaned. Childe appeared behind her. "Surprise!" He chuckled. "Why didn't he jump out at us randomly? Sure that would have given us more of a fright, considering how horrific his face is." "You little-" "Ok ok you two, there's been enough excitement for tonight." Ganyu disclosed trying to break up a fight.

Y/N yawned. "Are you tired, my love?" Scaramouche asked. Y/N nodded. "We should probably call it a night. Lots of stuff to do..." Ganyu mumbled, everyone else nodded. "Which brings me to sleeping arrangements." Ganyu began, "Me, Hu Tao, and Y/N will take the bed, the two of you can...find somewhere else to sleep. I hear that the floors in the Jade Chamber were made out of a special luxurious marble. Hope it feels as nice as it sounds." "Hold up, you guys get the bed but we get what? The floor?" Scaramouche complained.

"Obviously, you expect us to sleep on the floor?" Hu Tao asked. "Well technically, since it's me and Y/N's room, I feel like we should get the bed while you guys find somewhere to sleep." "Ughhh, enough with the arguing can't we just sleep?" Ganyu groaned. "I'll take the couch." Childe muttered getting up and laying down on the couch.

"Wait, where do I go?" "Sleep on the floor, outside, on the rug, I don't really care." Childe responded, putting his legs up. Scaramouche rolled his eyes and walked to the closet. Inside the closet, he found a blanket, pillow, and a few sheets. He placed the pillows underneath him and laid on them, then pulled the covers over his head.

Y/N was in the middle of the bed while Ganyu and Hu Tao laid on her sides. "Ok, goodnight!" Hu Tao, exclaimed. "Goodnight." Everyone else mumbled. Hu Tao turned off the lamp. "I am so glad we did this." She whispered. Ganyu smiled. "Why specifically?" Scaramouche asked. "It was fun. We played truth or dare, had a pillow fight, made popcorn, told scary stories. Brought me back to simpler times." "I will admit that I hadn't had that much fun in a while." Childe spoke.

"Never thought I would be this happy wearing a maid dress." He continued laughing. "I've never had a sleepover before." Scaramouche commented. "It" "I also have never had a sleepover before. I would like to do this again sometime." Ganyu spoke. "Before all of this," Y/N started. "I was scared. I was so scared about what awaited us in the future. But now, I'm not so scared anymore. Because I know that you guys will be there with me, every step of the way." Hu Tao smiled.

"We will always be here, every step of the way." She smiled. "Why don't we do this again, after all of this Ace stuff is over." Ganyu enunciated. Y/N filled in Hu Tao and Ganyu about Ace while they were changing into their pajamas. They were shocked but promised that they would protect Y/N no matter what. "So what do you guys say? Same time, let's say 2 weeks from now?" Hu Tao asked.

Everyone nodded. "Goodnight then." Hu tao mumbled, turning to the other side. "Goodnight." Everyone else responded. In a matter of seconds, everyone fell asleep. They slept soundly for the rest of the night, anticipating the next time they can do something like this again. If only they knew what awaited them the next day.


Words: 2,114


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