Day 02 (Heart Breaths). It Brings Pain.

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Day 02. It Brings Pain

"Is it not true that if you do what is right, you will be fine? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at the door. It desires to dominate you, but you must subdue it"

GENESIS 4:7 (NET Bible)

READINGS: Genesis 4-6, Matthew 2

Just this once... let me bend the rules a little.

Just this once... let me be human and lash out!

Just this once... let me stand in front and air my doubts!

Just this once. Just three words but what force they wield over us, what influence they wrought to the people that surround us and how they transform the events that come after!

It is a reality that we should not close our eyes to: sin brings pain. To us, to our loved ones and to all the people around us.

One lapse in judgment and that one act can undo all the good that we have worked so hard to achieve.

One strike of the hand and that one moment can destroy another person's respect and even our own view of our worth.

One unguarded word and in that instance, by virtue of our influence, we can become instruments of despair, of rejection and of failure.

But by remembering the pain sin brings, even in the throes of desperation, even in the heights of anger or even in the midst of confusion, we can choose to pause and re-gain our mastery over sin... and win!

Every moment counts. Let's avoid being bearers of pain.


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