A moment of awkward stillness enveloped them, the echo of the unexpected mishap lingering. Meerab's heart pounded in her chest and her cheeks colored in a bright crimson color, not just from the initial panic but also from the sudden proximity and the shared vulnerability of that moment.

Murtasim, regaining his composure, stammered, "I—I'm sorry", his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Meerab's heart flipping with nervousness as she murmured a soft, "It's okay."

Feeling the weight of the situation, Murtasim excused himself abruptly, leaving Meerab alone in the hallway. The echo of the unexpected mishap reverberated in the silence of the house. Meerab took a deep breath, a mix of amusement and embarrassment dancing in her eyes as she replayed the scene.


Meerab had changed into dry clothes, and had swung the opened the bedroom door to find Murtasim standing there with two mugs in hand. The air between them felt slightly awkward, and both avoided direct eye contact. Attempting to ease the tension, Meerab spoke first.

"Umm—what's this?" she asked, gesturing to the mugs.

Murtasim met her gaze, as he articulated words. "Well, we were both drenched in the rain, and you seemed a bit chilly, so I thought I'd make something warm for us to drink."

He handed one mug to Meerab, who looked pleasantly surprised. "I'm sorry, I don't really know how to make hot chocolate, but I Googled it, and..." Murtasim's voice trailed off, the unspoken apology lingering in the air.

Meerab's eyes softened as she took a sip from the mug, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "It's perfect," she said, her gratitude evident in her voice.

As they stood in the cozy living room, cradling their warm drinks, a tranquil hush settled around them. Maybe it had started to pour once again because the raindrops outside orchestrated a gentle melody, creating a backdrop of serenity that transformed the atmosphere into a haven of relaxation and familiarity.

Breaking the quietude, Murtasim, with a hesitant yet sincere tone, spoke to Meerab. "Meerab, umm, you don't need to sleep on the sofa tonight. I'll go and sleep somewhere else if you want," he offered, seeking to alleviate any discomfort.

Meerab looked at Murtasim through the mirror, her eyes softening. "No, Mr. Khan, it's alright. The sofa is comfortable, really. You don't have to inconvenience yourself," she insisted, attempting to dismiss his concern.

Murtasim, however, remained firm in his offer. "No, Meerab. Your comfort matters to me, and it's the least I can do after everything," he said softly, the last part of the sentence was in a slight whisper but Meerab had heard it. His sincerity spread a feeling of warm within Meerab's heart.

Meerab, nodding as she looked away from him. Murtasim, determined to find an alternative place to sleep, ventured into the other rooms. However, to his surprise, each door stubbornly resisted his attempts to open them. Puzzled, he wondered about the locked doors, finding it odd given that there were no one else in the house. He thought about calling the house help but it had already been late enough so with a shrug, he resigned himself to the sofa in the living room for the night.

The living room, now bathed in a soft, ambient glow, embraced Murtasim in its comforting aura. Meanwhile, Meerab had been tossing around on the bed as sleep was nowhere to be found. She got up and opened the door of the room to cautiously peered out. She was surprised to find Murtasim sleeping on the sofa, his figure outlined by the gentle glow of a nearby lamp.

Torn between waking him and letting him sleep peacefully, Meerab chose the latter. Observing him in repose, she noticed the serene expression that graced Murtasim's face. His features, relaxed in slumber, revealed a subtle furrowing of his brows—a habitual nuance she had observed before. As the lamplight kissed his features, Meerab couldn't help but marvel at the quiet beauty that sleep bestowed upon him.

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