13. Dil | Heart | دل

Start from the beginning

She shook her head, explaining, "Sir specifically instructed me to show you to our previous storage room, and this is it."

My hope evaporated, my eyes widening in disbelief. He intended for me to reside in this dismal space? Was he truly that heartless? How I'm going to live here.

"You've been a brat, living a life of luxury. Now it's time to change that" his words echoed in my mind. He sought to strip away my luxurious lifestyle. Unwanted tears threatened to overwhelm me, but I swallowed them back. I refused to appear weak in his eyes. I won't cry.

Does this signify his intention to make my life a living hell? I won't allow it. I'm not weak, and I'll prove it to him.

With a forced smile, I turned to the woman, who regarded me with an expression of pity I now understood all too well.

"Okay, could you bring me some cleaning supplies?" I requested, my voice trembling slightly.

She stared at me for a moment longer than necessary so I asked "What happened?"

"I thought you might want me to clean the room." She replied.

"Why would I ask that?" I replied, bewildered.

"If it's to be my room from now on, it's my responsibility to clean it," I declared, echoing the values instilled by my mother.

'no matter how rich you're but always be humble and take your own responsibility.'

mumma's words echoed in my mind and a sad smile covered my lips. How much I miss my mumma and everyone in just one day! I can't even call her because she can get Suspicious just by a tremble in my voice that something is wrong. And I don't want to trouble them..

Eventually that women nodded .

"who are you?" I asked her.
"Oh I am meena and I was the servant of this house." she replied and descended the stairs, Before I could ask what does she mean by 'was'. Doesn't she work here anymore?

I sighed and turned to survey the room once more with a heavy heart. It would take considerable effort to transform this space.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───


Zayan was sitting on his bed after throwing rumi harshly. He had no remorse. But he was continuously thinking about her only.

'How dare she enter my room? I didn't say anything at my parents house because of not upsetting them. Does she think I Married her for giving her luxuries of which she is habitual from childhood. She is spoiled brat and I will not bear it.That small room is the place you belong not my room, beside me. Just wait and watch rumi. What I'll do to you.'

Then his thought went to one of conversation with hana.

One day he was talking to her sister when a servent of siddiqui house came to give tea to hana.he was looking to pitiful. Hana saw him and asked why his cheek is so red? So he stuttered that rumi mam had slapped him because he broke a plate. Zayan witnessed it all.
And that day he got to know that rumi is not what she show to everyone. she is rich spoiled brat!

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

As dusk approached, Rumi found herself drained and unwell after the arduous task of scrubbing the filthy room clean to make it suitable for habitation.

Her allergies acted up, causing her to sneeze incessantly and exacerbating her discomfort.

For Seeking relief, she decided to rest and went straight to bed.

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