A Beginning

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I had the perfect life. An almost-perfect family, tons of friends, and the acceptance letter to the school of my dreams.

But I am still a teenage dumbass.

I checked into my room at HetheFord on my first day, the first day of the rest of my life. The receptionist was a buff half-orc, and he looked very tired after reviewing so many student's papers. "You didn't put down a choice for a roommate here, is that still correct?" The guy asked.

          "Yes, I don't know anyone going here." I lied. I knew so many people going here. So many people I didn't want to room with. "Okay, well, your roommate goes by, uh, Spec. Didn't tell us a name. Your dorm number is 220. Schedule, uniform, locker, and everything else is in your dorm. Have a nice time, and welcome." I grabbed my room key from him, and went towards the elevator.

          "Hey, what room are you in?" I look to find the person behind the voice, and I look down and see a short black-haired girl, wearing an icy blue dress. "I'm in room 220, what about you?" "Room 201. Are you a first year too?" I nod my head, and the elevator opens. We both step in and she presses a button. "My sister graduated last year. Apparently it's a really good school." She said. The elevator pings, and the doors open. She rushes out, and unlocks her nearby dorm.

             I walk down the hallway, reading the signs. 212, 214, 216, 218...220. I slide my key into the door and turn, pushing the door open. There's a counter with a coffee machine and a microwave, and I'm met with two doors, an orange and a blue. The blue door is already labeled. Spectator J. Authorized Persons Only. I open the other door, and the second my hand leaves the doorknob, swirls of bright red and orange dust and wind fill the room. It gets warm, and fire spreads across the bed, adorning it with my family's crest. Books seem to fall from the sky and into their places on the bookshelf, a select few textbooks landing on the desk. The wind and dust settle and leave, leaving me with a blazing red and bright orange, beautifully decorated, and a little over-the-top room. I opened a drawer to explore the room more, and found a new uniform. A gray shirt, beige skirt, and an orange sash. I look into the drawer again and find beige pants and shorts as well. Looking through all the other drawers, I find more uniforms, the sock drawer, and a closet full of beautiful dresses and jewelry. I place my shoes into the closet, and leave my room. I see that the front of my door says Romeo - Caution: Hot. I understand I'm a fire fairy and all, but that is definitely a confidence boost.

          My roommate, Spec, was microwaving what smelled like popcorn. She was wearing a navy blue skirt and tube top. Her blonde hair was slicked back and dripping wet. "Oh hey, you're Spec, right?" She looked over to me, and looked me up and down. "Yeah, that's me. I assume you're the princess, Romeo Hayes. The fiery blue-blood. What'd you do to make your mom send you here? Publicity stunt? Did you get caught with a girl or something?" "No, I just wanted to go to school. Why's that such an issue?" The microwave beeped, and she grabbed her popcorn. "It's curious that they roomed us together. Historically, fire and water don't mix. Are you here to prove that wrong or something?" I shake my head, confused. "I'm not here to prove or disprove anything. I just want to learn." I say. She eyes me up and down again, and walks back into her room. As her door opens, I see that her room was turned into a beach, and she puts her popcorn down onto a table. She then approached the water, and dived in. Her legs turn into beautiful blue and purple scales, and she swims farther than an eye could see. I stare in awe for a second, then her door closes itself. I turned back into my room and changed into loungewear, picked up a book called "The Gift of a Siren", and curled up on my bed.

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