Bullet holes

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A/N: I wanted to write a worried Tim story as everyone is literally dying to see Tim worried about Lucy. So for the time being before we get any in series 6 (WE BETTER HAD) I'm gonna write my own. Hope you enjoy :)

The whole police team had been fighting people they had been after for years. The leader of this group was called Desmond Viper. Everyone just called him Viper. Viper had sent his whole team to attack anyone in LA who messed with him, anyone who refused to sell him drugs, anyone who refused to do any jobs for him. He would also send out his teams robbing banks, he chose innocent vulnerable people who had nothing left in life. He would never show up to the crime scenes, he would just send people out to do his dirty work and if they got arrested then so be it.

This time Viper had sent out his team to attack the LAPD in small peices, attacking innocent officers to slowly try and take them down. Now the whole LAPD had them cornered, police cars after police cars were coming. Shots were being fired, more and more of Vipers gang were coming. Eventually, the whole of the gang was arrested or dead. They believed this was the last of the gang, it was all over. Of course they had to catch Viper but they had started to find a location on him, they were sending cops out immediately to try and find him. Tim and Lucy were across from eachother, he was on one side of the road she was on the other. Lucy stood up from behind the car she was hiding from and looked round for Tim, he was looking for her too. They made eye contact, they looked at eachother for a good 5 seconds, feeling like it wasn't even real, they both smiled at eachother, huge meaningful, grateful smiles.

They started running towards eachother, as fast as they can. Everyone watched, knowing how in love they are with eachother and they couldn't help but smile. They were about 20 inches away from eachother, and then everyone started screaming and gunshots could be heard. Everyone screamed at Lucy to look out. She turned to look at what everyone was screaming at, it was Viper, he shot her. The bullet went right into the right side of her stomach. Everyone shot at Viper and he fell to his death. Lucy breathed heavily standing up and looking down at her wound before looking at Tim, she fell on her back and held her hands over her wound. Everyone ran over to her, Tim got there first.

Tim: Lucy, Lucy listen to me let me see okay?
Tears fall down her face, she uncovers her wound and it's a huge bullet hole. The blood is spilling out.
Everyone surrounds her and the ambulance team push everyone out the way and start to lift Lucy onto the stretcher and try to cover her wounds. Tim holds her hand as she's being pushed on the stretcher and she cries.

Tim: It's gonna be okay Lucy.. it'll be okay. Breathe baby please breathe..
Tim's voice starts cracking.
He gets into the back of the ambulance with Lucy and the ambulance starts driving very fast.
Lucy: Tim.. don't leave me. Please don't leave me.
She cries.
Tim: I'm not gonna leave you okay? I promise I won't leave you.
His eyes are filled with tears but he refuses to let any of them out, he needs to be strong for Lucy.
The ambulance team starts pressing down on her wound, trying to get the bullet out and Lucy whinces and screams in pain. Lucy squeezes Tim's hand very tight.
The pain is unbearable for her.
The team backs off.

Lucy: I don't wanna die, I don't wanna leave you.
She cries so hard.
Tim: Lucy look at me, look at me okay?
She looks him in the eyes.
Tim: You're not gonna die, there's so much I wanna do with you. I wanna take you out on so many more dates. I wanna hold you at night. I wanna meet those grandkids we talked about remember?
She holds onto his arms tightly, crying.
Tim: I wanna marry you one day Lucy, I really do. I wanna kiss you so many more times. I wanna tell you I love you.
Lucy's eyes start closing over.
Tim puts his hand under her neck and tries to wake her back up.
Tim: NO no stay with me Lucy stay with me.
He starts crying and his whole body is shaking.
She doesn't respond.
The rest of the journey it was silent. She didn't move a muscle or say a word, she barely breathed.
They arrive at the hospital and rush her in, Tim is stopped by nurses.
Nurse 1: Sir I'm sorry you have to wait outside.
He protests, but there's nothing he can do but wait.

He sits outside the room that they're working on Lucy in, his leg shaking, he's crying, he's covering his mouth with his fist trying not to throw up.
Angela, Nolan, Sargent Grey, Aaron, Nyla, Wesley and Celina walk in.
Angela: Tim.
As Angela walks up to him, Tim stands up and hugs her and wipes his tears.
She hugs him back, for once Tim is showing his real emotions with someone who isn't Lucy.
Everyone sits outside the room, asking Doctors who come out the room questions, nobody really told them what was going on.
Tim's whole body was shaking, he needed Lucy to be okay, he needed Lucy for him to be okay.

After hours and hours of waiting, it was dark outside now, a Doctor comes out the room. Once again, everyone asks what's going on but they refuse to say anything. Tim was the only one sitting down and after the Doctor not saying anything, everyone else sat back down. Tim shook his head angrily and stood up and shoved the Doctor to the wall..
Doctor: Sir please... calm down.
Tim: Don't you dare tell me to calm down. You have 5 seconds to tell me what's going on in there. I LOVE HER AND I AM NOT LOSING HER.
Everyone goes silent
Doctor: it doesn't look good okay? It really doesn't. The wound has burst some of her organs, we are doing all we can. I'm sorry Sir. We are doing our best. We suggest you all go home for the night, nothing is guaranteed until at least another day.

Everyone gets ready to leave, Tim doesn't move.
Angela: Tim..
Tim: I'm not moving Angela, she wouldn't leave my side and I'm not leaving hers.
Angela: If she wakes up..
Tim looks up, having tears in his eyes
Angela: I mean when she wakes up, tell her you love her.
Tim nods.
Angela: I'll go to Lucy's apartment and tell Tamara the news, maybe she could stay with a friend.
Tim nods again, he sits there emotionless.

Everyone was back at the hospital again, Tim hadn't left all night and all day. A Doctor comes out the room.
Doctor: Which one of you is Tim?
Tim stands up immediately.
Doctor: She's awake, she's alive, its gonna be a lot of healing but it really is a miracle. And she's ready to see you, Tim.
Tim looks back at the others and they all smile happily, some crying. Tim follows the Doctor into the room, Lucy is laying on the bed she sees Tim and starts crying. He rushes over to her and grabs her hand and sits in the chair by the bed. He cries too. They were so in love.
Tim: Lucy I...
Lucy: I love you too.
They have a wholesome moment, Tim doesn't let go of her hand the whole time they talk.
Lucy: so the Doctors told me you were here all night huh?
Tim laughs and lays his head on the bed.
Lucy: they even said you threatened one of them? I'm impressed
They both laugh. She brushes her fingers against his face.

The others walk into the room. They give her gifts, tell her how amazing she is. Tim plays with her hair as they speak to her. She occasionally kisses his hand.
Nolan points at Tim.
Nolan: And this one was a nervous wreck, I think he threw up about 10 times and he..
Tim gives him a stern look, as if he was gonna kill him.
Nolan: yeah uh.. I'll stop speaking now.
Everyone laughs.
Tim keeps squeezing Lucy's hand occasionally and keeps playing with her hair. If Lucy had died, he would have died.

A/N: I'm also gonna do a part 2 to this where Tim is taking Lucy home from the hospital and taking care of her and stuff.

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