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I'm on my job, right? Wrong. I'm daydreaming on a boat, on my way to my job. It's a salvage, which... are not my favorite. Boss doesn't give me equipment or air tanks or anything.

"You are immortal, yes? Diving equipment will simply hinder your dexterity and agility."

Hinder my ability. Sure. Please take note of my sarcasm. I may be immortal, but that doesn't mean I don't like to breathe. Having a bunch of water in your lungs is not pleasant, whether it kills you or not.

"Yao. Are you listening? We will arrive in a few minutes. You must be ready to dive by then," Boss states impatiently, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ah. Sorry, sir," I reply, hoping that he does not notice my tired tone. Alas, no such luck.

"Yao, we have been over this. You must be thankful that we are supplying you with trained scientists, who do care about your wellbeing, instead of those untrained," he spits in a way that lets me know that he does care about my wellbeing, "scientists, and supplying you with lodging, food, medical care, even vacation time!"

"Sorry, sir. I- I don't know why I'm reacting like this- I," I swallow–I was really tired in the first place–, "I'm sorry, sir." I appreciate Boss. I really do, but I kind of want to leave in the middle of the night and... I don't know, start a café or something. The engine shudders to a stop next to a yellow buoy. Boss puts a hand on my shoulder and I have to physically repress a flinch. Why am I like this?

"Good luck, Yao. We believe in you."

Then he pushes me into the water. It's cold. Very cold. It's cold in a way that seems to flush your soul straight out of your mouth. And of course, in a desperate attempt to get my soul back, my body decides it's a great idea to take in a lungful of water. I sink, and I have just enough time to think: Well, this sucks, before my soulless body registers that having a bunch of water in my lungs is a bad idea and I should probably cough it out, which means it should hurt. Well. It sure did hurt. I suppose my soul came back then immediately and left again with more vigor. I inhale deeply. It takes a while to get used to this. It takes a while. I've done this countless times before. It takes a while. I look up and watch the ocean surface disappear. Then I turn around and swim towards the wreck I can't even see.

Why do I suck water in, you ask? Well, there are two main reasons. If I don't inhale and dive too deep, the water pressure will quite literally crush my lungs, which is much more painful and would take so much longer to heal. The other is simply because it's easier to dive deeper without the air pulling you back up- unless you intend to exhale all your oxygen and hold that. Actually, three reasons. Holding your breath is annoying and it's more painful when you forget and inhale water.

For those of you worrying about pneumonia, being alive for 4000 years gives you a very buff immune system. Sure, it might be painful, but what does it matter?




how is it? please do note that it will only get more ooc the further you go

please comment- they give me motivation

bye bye,


go drink water or eat something

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