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Aliyah's Pov:

I've been studying and doing MOCK exams all of last week. The start of the real N.E.W.T.S was this week, and I've studied my ass off with Theo, Daphne, Blaise and Enzo.

The only bad thing about ending this year early is having to go back. They'll torture us — Bellatrix and Voldemort. But I tried to push it aside a bit, at least just for the sake of focusing on my exams.

"Good luck" Theodore gave me a quick peck on the cheek before I went running to the great hall for my History of Magic exam. I sat in my assigned seat and waited until the clock started to begin with my exam.

And not to be a show off, but it was easy despite me being in an advanced level. I answered the questions and wrote my essay with ease, reviewing the last little bits in the remaining ten minutes of the time given.

As I walked up to put the exam sheet on the teacher's desk, I felt a tap on my shoulder "Hey George" the ginger haired boy walked beside me. "Hey, the answer to exercise four was b, right?" He asked.

"B? It's e, George, we studied this. Well- I taught you it" I chuckled. "I know we studied, but thanks" he quickly circled something before handing in his paper after me. "George, that's cheating" i scolded

"It's fine, it was one answer. Anyways, what've you got next?" He nodded to my timetable in my hands. "Care Of Magical Creatures, easy, and I've done my Charms so I've got the Potions exam tomorrow first period"

"Alright... Are you and your friends free tonight? Fred and I are going out for butterbeer with Lee and thought you might like to tag along" he kept walking along with me to my Care Of Magical Creatures classroom.

"I dunno, might be hard to make it tonight" I replied. "come on, Al, please"
"Don't you have an exam to go do?"

"Al, please, we haven't hung out in a while" he begged. I sighed, "I'll think about it". "You're the best" he hugged me before running off.

"What was that?" Enzo called out, leaning on the door of the classroom. He raised a brow.
"Nothing, just George's asking if I could go for butterbeer tonight. Said I could bring you guys with me" I chuckled, entering the classroom with him.

"Well, are you? Must be exhausting after a day of exams, and Theo won't be happy" he chuckled. "You're telling me. I just feel bad we haven't hung out in a while" I sat in my seat right next to Enzo

"If you're tired, then you shouldn't". "Enough blabber everyone, get out your quills, now, quick!" Said Hagrid

"Butterbeer with George?" Theo raised a brow. "Yeah, and you, and the group, and Fred and Lee" i added. "Really, today of all days?"

I sighed, "I know, I don't want to go either, but I feel bad. It's been a month since I've hung out with him" I flopped onto my bed tiredly.

"Don't go, stay with me. We'll study a bit together, then we could watch a movie or talk." He suggested. "Yeah?"

"Of course" he chuckled "then maybe we could sneak out to the Astronomy Tower for a smoke" he added, earning him a slap to the shoulder, making him laugh.

"Teddy, smoking's going to be the death of you, you should stop" i worried. "I've been smoking less lately, that's better than doing nothing about it"

"You're still smoking, so it's still bad either way" I concluded. "Can we just go to the Astronomy Tower now for a small smoke?" He pleaded, when an idea popped in my head
"Or, we could do something else" I suggested. "Yeah?" He smirked

"I can't believe you got me into doing this instead" Theo winced at the tugging of his hair, "braids do not hurt, why are you wincing? You're being dramatic" I chuckled as I braided his dirty blonde colored hair.

"Then you girl are painless because this hurts like a bitch" he cursed as he felt more pulling at his hair "well you don't have to curse at it"
"Yes I do, because feels like you're trying to rip the hair off my scalp!". I laughed, "who even cares? You look beautiful!" I said sarcastically, handing him a mirror for him to see himself.

I burst out laughing, while he checked his hair out "It's actually not bad" he nodded with a smirk, only making me laugh more "well don't laugh! You're the one who did this to me" he chuckled a bit himself.

"No- Theo, you look cute" I snickered. "I know I'm cute, thanks for the reminder" he said sassily and flipped his hair. "You're acting like Mattheo when he was six. I'm dating a child in the form of a teenager" I chuckled

"But you know you love me" he looked at me from his head resting on my lap. I chuckled, rolling my eyes sarcastically "oh roll your eyes, alright." He smirked, "shut your gob" I kissed him softly "yes ma'am"

"Theo, darling, we're going to be late for the Potions exam" I urged the boy to the exam room from breakfast at the great hall.

He followed behind me as I walked there "you nervous?" He asked, "A bit" I admitted. "You'll do good, we studied these a lot" he reassured.

We arrived and sat down in our seats, quickly being handed an exam sheet. I quickly brought out my quill and began with my exam.

Quite easy questions, to be honest. Most of them were multiple answer questions, brief explanations of what certain ingredients do, and an essay on how to make Amortentia potion.

"It was quite easy, don't you think?" I asked Mattheo during lunch at the great hall. "That's only because you study like your life depends on it" he rolled his eyes

"It actually does, Mattheo. How else are we going to have money?". He chuckled "Well, let's see, uncle Regulus and Sirius left all their money for me and you in their will. The money from Sirius's will is at an excessive amount because of his uncle Alphard i think is his name. We've got a freaking motorcycle from Sirius-"

"Hey, we are not selling the motorcycle. I've only gotten it to work last summer I'm going to use it this year."

"Whatever. My point is, we have loads of inherited wealth" he concluded. "Matt, I know that, but we can't just depend on it our entire lives", "Oh yes we fucking can"

"As you can see, these twins are the exact same" said Draco sarcastically

1120 wc
This is so shit and rushed
Very filler-y
Mid-term exams start tomorrow. Put me in your prayers🙏🙏

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