Harry chuckled and adjusted his glasses, before he got up and stood next to Yuri, smiling and placing his hands on his hips as he stared around the dojo. "Mister Sano is a friendly grandpa, don't let him scare you." Harry spoke as he looked at H/n and me. "He can be a bit stern when it comes to teaching, but listen to him and follow his rules and I'm sure you won't be disappointed by how much you two are going to learn and have fun." Yuri gave Harry a soft glare and a small hit with his elbow, "Don't call him 'grandpa', it's rude! He can kick your ass-I mean," He stopped as he noticed the two of us standing there and looking at our dads speaking. "-butt, if he hears you call him that!" Yuri scolded.

Both H/n and I were mostly reserved and introverted as kids, but our fathers ended up convincing us to start judo lessons. They told us how significant it is to know how to fight and protect yourself, but also how it was a great opportunity for us to make friends there, as there would be more kids our age. Perfect opportunity to help us get our of our shells and socialize with others.

And they were right, there were quite a few kids already dressed up in their own uniforms, already interacting with other kids.

H/n was quietly listening to our fathers ramble about their usual things while I blankly stared around the big, cozy room where I stared at kids practicing, jumping around, laughing, fighting and stuff. They were all boys there, many looking goofy and doing childish things...

Until I locked eyes with a blonde girl with amber eyes. Her hair was styled up in a ponytail and she was staring at me from a sort distance for a bit, blinking a bit.

After a short staring contest... She slowly raised her small hand at me and waved at me.

I stared back at her, before I slowly also waved.

We kept on staring at each other, before I felt both our fathers kiss mine and H/n's cheeks, as they told us to have fun and that they would pick us up once the lessons were over. Kissing us goodbye, they left my brother and I in the dojo with the unknown kids.

There was a bit of silence for a while between my brother and I, before he spoke. "Well... this is weird. But I'm excited?" He said. I stared at him for a short moment. ".... yeah." I replied.


A new voice caught our attention, making both of us blink and looked around to see a blonde kid with dark black eyes staring at us blankly. "Doppelgangers." The boy said.

"...." Both my brother and I stared at the kid blankly, unblinking.

"Dumbass!" Another kid popped in, wrapping his arm around the blonde kid and staring at us with his brown eyes. "There is no such thing as a- as a- .... a dorpelmanger! One of them is probably a robot or a clone or something!" He yelled out and pointed at the two of us. "What are you two?? Are you evil or something?? Ghosts, spirits?? Whatever, I will beat your asses!"

"...." Both my brother and I stared dumbfounded at the two random kids that were spitting nonsense.

"..... we're twins." My brother said simply in a monotonous voice.

The two kids went silent. ".... huh?"

"We're siblings." I confirmed, "We're identical twins that just look extremely similar. We're not...... clones. Or... spirits." I answered quietly and awkwardly.

To be honest, I was taken aback. My brother and I have heard of people calling us a lot of things, but these names were certainly a first.

What was wrong with these two weirdos anyways?

".... Oh." The blonde kid said.

The black haired kid next to him looked beyond shocked. "Woah- you two are like- the same!! I didn't know this was possible! I've only seen this happen in movies, it's like you're the same person! Same face, same everything! Dude..." He pointed at the two of us in surprise. He was obviously amazed and shocked. It was not the first time we had seen a kid be this shocked to see identical twins for the first time.

"Hey, if you're twins, you're probably both equally strong, huh?? Fight me!" The black haired kid challenged us as he prepared himself in a fighting position.

I mentally slapped my forehead at this. This kid was clearly stupid and had no idea how twins worked.

"Um.... We're, new here obviously..." H/n explained awkwardly and looked away, scratching his head. "... we... don't know how to fight." He said.

"Well then, I'll teach you!" The black haired kid said enthusiastically, grinning and making a pose as he seemed determined. "You'll never win against me, though! You!" The kid pointed at my brother and grabbed him by his shoulder, making my brother blink in surprise. "You fight me first!" He said before he turned his eyes at me and pointed at me at the same time. "You- observe!" He said before he dragged my brother a bit further to start 'teaching him how to fight' apparently.

I felt someone walk next to me the moment my brother disappeared from my side along with the black haired kid. "Don't mind these two boys," I turned to look at who it was. It was the blonde girl that waved at me, she walked on my side as she stared at the two boys preparing to fight. "They share one brain cell." The girl said, indicating how stupid the blonde and black haired kid were.

"... yeah." I muttered and nodded a bit. "I can tell." I said as we both observed the two now.

"Hey- I'm right here!!" The blonde kid said, looking almost offended.

The girl proceeded to ignore the boy and smiled at me. "I'm Emma," The girl introduced herself to me. "This is my brother Manjiro-" "-I told you, you can call me Mikey-" The blonde kid now known as Mikey tried to speak, only to be interrupted by Emma again, "And that kid is Baji." Emma said as she pointed at the black haired kid that was beating my brother's ass. Or teaching him how to fight and protect himself. Or... well, both, but it clearly seemed like my brother was struggling and failing terribly to keep up with Baji's movements.

I nodded at Mikey and Emma. "Nice to meet you... I'm Y/n. He's H/n." I introduced myself and my brother to the two blonde kids.

Mikey sweated and scratched his head. "You two look so identical I don't know if I will be able to tell the difference between who is who."

Emma glared at her brother softly with a cute pout, "You'll learn!" She then smiled at me again. "Welcome to the dojo, Y/n! I'm sure we will be great friends! It will be great to have another girl with us apart from Senju. It can get irritating being around so many boys all the time." Emma told me. "We three will make sure the dojo will treat you and your brother nicely!"

"Oof-!" My brother let out a huff in the distance as he was thrown to the floor for the hundredth time already by Baji. "You still have a long way to go, newbie!" Baji told my brother.

He then locked his brown eyes with me and pointed at me challengingly. "It's your turn!"


The Apple Of Their Eye (-Yan-TokyoRevengers X FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now