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Stormy seemed pleased at the idea of flying alongside Vhagar once again.

He was content, happy even, and his wings batted in a rhythmic sound around my legs as Aemond and his mount flew a few metters next to us in that majestic way the Queen of all Dragons could have.

Vhagar enjoyed him too, as I could see, and they both talked in their own language all the way until we arrived at our long lost beach. So many memories, hopefully my uncle and I were about to make more.

Aemond get off her back in a comic way, for her to be too big and her saddle too far from the ground, and Stormy laughed in his own way as he felt the amusement through our bond.

"Not a word." He said when I couldn't hide a chuckle.

"I didn't say anything!"

I was already off Stormy's back, gently patting the side of his head as we both stared at my uncle doing the same to Vhagar. She huffed, dark grey smoke coming out of her nostrils, and set fly again after Aemond commanded her to. Stormbreaker was fast to follow.

It really surprised me to see how much energy she could have, even with her almost two centuries old. Yet she flew above the beach, playfully roaring and setting a path Stormy didn't even try to follow. He was a teenager, sometimes he didn't even listen to whatever I commanded him to do.

Growing up with the Velaryons, Stormbreaker fell in love with the Sea the moment I took him swimming with me at the mere age of four after a long, intense chat with both my parents. He loved the waves, and sinking his head underwater to catch a glimpse of the living cities under it. I doubted he actually saw anything, but he enjoyed it as much as flying above the clouds. So I never forbade him to do it.

My uncle frowned his brow when my mount started to fall in a free fall, squeezing his hands to each other as if he believed Stormy had a death wish. And his gaze flew to mine as if he expected me to stop my dragon. Yet, right when he was about to hit the water, he tightened his wings, and only his paws got wet with the salty Sea. A trick if I ever saw one. Jace had taught us that one, but since Vermax was smaller they enjoyed it a bit more, though size never stopped us from doing it. Mother couldn't hate it more, and always scolded Jacaerys whenever she was present during his very much reckless way of flying.

That was my fault. I had been the one who showed Jace how much fun you could have on the back of a dragon, yet my mother gave up in scolding me when she realized anything she said would make me stop. Though I gained a great punishment when I broke my arm after jumping off Stormy's saddle, and Rhaenyra never allowed me near her second youngest Velaryon boy whenever he was flying, too scare I might gotten into his head the way I had already done with her oldest.

"Stop looking at me with that eye."

He had came closer, standing at my side and brushing his fingers against mine. Aemond had long forgotten about my mount and his own, and was staring at me the same way he did in the secret passage after we ran into Ela and Lord Cregan. As if he wanted to drown himself in my features to never forget a single freckle or mole or scar.

I was never the one to feel embarrassed about myself. In fact, my mother had made sure to never allow me to doubt over my body, long conversations about self love and confidence and independence. And sometimes Daemon trained shirtless to show me his long healed burn scars and teach me the importance of loving one's body. So it was pretty difficult to me to flinch under someone's gaze, yet I almost felt like breaking eye contact with my uncle.

"What eye?"

His fingers found mine again, intertwining our hands in that soft way so odd of him, and he pulled my arm until I almost hit his chest, looking down at me with the corner of his lips curling up in his cocky smirk. I had begun to love it, his cocky smirk, yet nothing compare to the effects his sideway smile and his quiet chuckles had in me.

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