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Baela was right about something: Viserys was a troublemaker.

My brothers' nursemaid had come to my quarters, sweating and teared up, begging me to help her with my youngest brother, who apparently was trying to make Egg swallow his own wooden dragon.

He had my temper, and Daemon's genes. It was not a great combination.

The young woman almost kissed my feet when I held Viserys on my arms, gently kissing Aegon's wet cheek and leaving the room with the sound of the second youngest's sobs and the woman's quiet voice being muffled by the old wooden doors.

"Why did you do that?" I asked Viserys mid way to my own chambers.

He was mad, with his little arms crossed over his chest and his eyebrows drowned as he avoided my gaze and forbade himself to free any of the bright tears that had formed in his violet eyes due to his anger.

The lords and ladies of the Red Keep bowed their heads in respect whenever they got sight of us. Though, I believed they did it towards the silver-haired prince on my hip, and not towards myself. Yet, Viserys avoided everyone's curious gaze and concentrated on nothing more than looking angry, possibly expecting me to allow him to go back and finish his previous job against Aegon. If it had been anyone else, I would have finished the job myself. But I couldn't let him hurt our brother like he was one of knights of the Keep I had threatened or harmed already. My mother would have killed me if so.

"You cannot hurt Aegon, little one. He is your brother, and you must protect each other."

His little legs were around my waist, and his closed arms were against my chest as he kept his lips in a comic grimace. It reminded me of those old days when we lived in the capital, and Alicent once overheard Jacaerys and I playing and forbade him to try up one of my dresses, screaming and acussing and pointing a finger at me as if I had forced Jace to try on the gown (in reality, it had been Helaena, but I loved my aunt too much to snitch on her). He had made the exact same grimace Viserys was doing, though Jace never cried. Not even when Alicent forced him out of the gown and screamed right in his face and told him that his future wife would never loved him if he acted like... well, like Laenor.

My father had laughed hysterically when the Queen brought us in front of them with wild eyes, and grandsire Viserys had hushed his wife with a quick movement of his hand and the story of the Targaryen Dynasty over the centuries as he ran a hand down my hair and bounced my brother and I on his knees. Even with his deep voice (he was not that much ill during that time) right on my ear, I could still hear my mother screaming to her old friend and Alicent's complains as if Jace was her child and not Rhaenyra's. Jacaerys never tried on gowns again, and that was the one and only time Alicent tried to educated us. She was lucky though, if she ever dared to do something like that with Young Aegon or Viserys now, she would not have deal with a girl of six scared of her grandsire's crazy wife, but with the daughter of Daemon Targaryen, and gods be good if I ever caught her landing a hand on my brothers.

Viserys bright purple eyes stared into mine when I loudly kissed his cheek, and a little giggle escaped his lips when I let more kisses all around his face.

"Now, do you want to tell me why did you do that?"

"Egg." He said, uncrossing his arms and hugging my neck.

"Aegon did nothing, little one. Do not try to blame it on him." My eyes rolled to the back of my head at his stubborness. He really was Daemon's son.


"Did Aegon punch you?" I questioned him. He nodded with his head still hidden in the crook of my neck. "Did Aegon punch you because you woke him up again?"

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