001 - Living once more

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"Good morning, Mr (L/N)."

I turn my head to make eye contact with the woman sitting across from me, she's wearing thick-rimmed glasses. Her hair was tied in a bun, a round face, dressed formally for this meeting. I glance at her notes resting in her lap.

"Hi... Missus... Álvarez?"

She flashes me a smile, "Yep. Do you recall my name?"

"Jane." She nods again, crossing her legs I then ask her, "This... well we are done after this session right? They said that I'd be able to go home after this if you think I am capable of functioning again."

"Correct," clearing her throat she shuts her notes. "We've fully established that you have perfect motor control despite the accident. You remember a good chunk of the world as it is and for the past month I've helped you piece it all together, everything that was blurred."

I nod. "And my head is fine?"

"Perfectly fine. Your Amnesia has been a difficult case but not entirely rare, if I had to make an educated guess I'd think your situation is a more severe case of Dissociative amnesia. Your ability to recall everything the world has to offer but the lack of recalling anything personal to you is what is troubling."

I pull my gaze away from her, "It feels like I haven't been alive. If I have to be honest."

"It can feel that way, more than likely you'll start to feel like you've taken someone's body over, and mixing that with the faces of your peers will sometimes feel like you won't be able to carry on. I aim to mitigate the impact as best I can."

"R-right," I can't help but sigh loudly. "Uhm. Let's begin, please."

"Let's start simple. Family. Where is your Mom and Dad?"

I narrow my eyes as I stare out at the window, watching the blue sky. I want to get out in the world already, I am tired of playing 100 questions and never being able to put it all together.

"Mom died giving birth to my second sister. My father is at home still taking care of both my sisters in the Ocean-View district of this city. My sisters are two years apart in age and I am seven years older than the eldest."

"Hm mhm. Do you recall any of their names?"

"Katherine, Natalie. My sisters. Dad's name is George. Mom's name is..." it escapes me every time.

I feel my heart sink into my stomach, I can't remember the face of the woman who's supposed to be my mother. I can't put the name to the face and my mind just keeps on forgetting even when I've been doing my very best to write it down and remember.

"Jen," she answers for me.

I don't say anything.

"Can you repeat that for me?"

"Her name is Jen."

"It'll come back to you," she tries to reassure me. "Your friends. Do you remember them?"

I nod. "They were here early this morning to check up on me again, said they've prepared my room with all the things I had on me and I left behind. Arthur, Will, Carter, Ronald, Gale. Apparently we all bunked under the same roof as students and never left even after all of us left Uni."

"That is correct."

They told me it, so what's to say that it is exactly what happened? As I am not all I have is their word and nothing more.

"And partner?"

"To my knowledge..." my heart is burning as if it trying to tell me something, every time every question about who I was dating or sleeping with comes up it burns through me trying to tell me something. But everyone else told me the same thing, "I've been single since high school."

Shattered Mind - A KDA male readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora