Murtasim's attempt to rationalize his emotions was interrupted by Dawood Ali Khan's voice, pulling him back to reality. As Shahmeer and Meerab stopped their conversation and turned towards Dawood, he remarked on their apparent familiarity.

"Looks like you guys are much familiar with one another," Dawood observed, glancing at both Shahmeer and Meerab. Shahmeer nodded and walked towards his father, with Meerab following him. "Yeah, Baba, didn't I tell you about Meerab before? We were in the same university, had a few courses together, and that's how we interacted and became friends. But after graduation, you called me over, so I never really got a chance to meet her again," Shahmeer explained.

"Oh yes, yes. I remember. Meerab, the one you used to talk about on and on, right?" Dawood chuckled. Shahmeer turned red with embarrassment, and Meerab laughed at the remark. However, Murtasim didn't even crack a smile. Talk about on and on? What exactly did Shahmeer talk about Meerab during those lengthy discussions? Murtasim wonder as he let out an annoyed huff.

Meerab's gaze inadvertently shifted towards Murtasim, a sudden realization dawning upon her. She had been so caught up by Shahmeer that she had completely forgotten to introduce the two of them. As she turned towards Murtasim, she said, "Oh Shahmeer, I almost forgot. I'd like you to meet Mr. Kh—Murtasim Khan. He's my—"

But before Meerab could say something, Murtasim extended his hand forward and completed, "husband. I'm Meerab's husband. Khan Murtasim Khan." His voice was deep and authoritative, leaving a distinct mark in the air.

Shahmeer reciprocated the introduction with a firm handshake, his face breaking into a genuine smile. "Wow! Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Khan. I honestly didn't expect Meerab to get married so soon," he exclaimed, his curiosity evident.

Why? What was it that he didn't expect here? Who is he to feel so surprised by this? Murtasim internally scoffed as Meerab spoke, "Well, you know what they say, life doesn't always go as planned."

"Yeah, that's true. But Mr. Khan, I've heard so much about you from my father. The developmental milestones you've achieved for your people are truly admirable," Shahmeer expressed, genuine interest gleaming in his eyes.

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Murtasim's lips, his surprise evident in the raised brow and the appreciative nod he gave. "Thank you," he replied with a modest tone, acknowledging the compliment.

"And Meerab, we need to talk about everything that had happened in your life after graduation. Come on, I'll show you around, and we can catch up as well," Shahmeer said as Meerab excitedly nodded. Both of them navigated through the bustling party, leaving Murtasim standing there like a statue, his gaze fixed on them. He felt like he was eating his heart out, a strange, unknowing feeling rising within him as he observed their departure.


Khan Murtasim Khan had always been a paragon of active listening and awareness of his social settings. However, at this moment, he swore he couldn't hear a word of the political banter Dawood Ali Khan was enthusiastically sharing because Murtasim's attention was entirely caught up by his wife and an unexpected guest he hadn't anticipated meeting tonight.

Dawood Ali Khan's speech on about politics, elections, and something about Shahmeer wanting to visit somewhere kept on going on. Yet, to Murtasim, it all sounded like the muffled soundtrack of an uninteresting documentary. His ears were tuned into Meerab's laughter, even though she was standing at a distance. He recognized the melody of her laughter, a sound that had been absent from her for weeks. Murtasim couldn't remember the last time he'd seen her smile properly, and he knew it was his fault. The way Shahmeer and Meerab bantered, the laughter echoing in the air, made Murtasim feel like a weird feeling boiling inside of him.

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