Chapter 15

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Gia hair and outfit

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Gia hair and outfit

As I settled into the luxurious surroundings of Alex's home, the housekeeper gracefully exited the room, leaving Alex and me in an atmosphere pregnant with unspoken words.

"Thanks for coming over," Alex said, his tone a mixture of formality and something else, something undefined. "I know this place can be a bit much."

I looked around, taking in the grandeur of his surroundings. "A bit much might be an understatement. Your house is like a museum'

He chuckled nervously. "Yeah, it's my parents' thing. They love collecting art and stuff. They always want the most expensive thing '

I nodded, understanding the weight of expectations that came with such affluence. "Must be a lot to live up to."

He sighed, "You have no idea. Anyway, let's focus on Spanish. The test is tomorrow, and I'd rather not have a repeat of the last one."

Our conversation shifted to the intricacies of the Spanish language, providing a temporary distraction from the underlying tension. Yet, as we delved into verb conjugations and vocabulary, the unspoken connection lingered, casting a shadow over our academic endeavor.

As the study session progressed, I couldn't shake the awareness of the looming kissing scene in the musical . The awkwardness intensified, and I couldn't help but glance at Alex, a silent acknowledgment of the shared history that complicated our present.

He caught my gaze, and for a moment, we locked eyes in a silent exchange that spoke volumes. The weight of our almost-kiss at the party hung in the air, a palpable reminder of emotions left unexplored.

Alex, attempting to break the tension, ventured, "You know, Gia, we should probably talk about... the scene ."

I looked at him, my expression guarded. ' what scene?' Id asked as I stopped writing ' you know the kissing scene' it took my a minute to realize what he was talking about the kiss scene of course  the scenes of scenes
" oh that scene you feel weird about it?"

He nodded, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. "Definitely weird. I mean, we almost kissed for real, and now we're supposed to do it on stage? Life's ironic like that."

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