Chapter 13

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Gia hair and outfit

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Gia hair and outfit

The night air felt heavy with the remnants of the party as I got  home, my mind tangled in a web of confusion. I needed Mavis, my trusted confidante, to help navigate the mess I found myself in. A quick call later, and Mavis agreed to a sleepover.

As Mavis entered my room, the door closing behind her, she caught me in the act of pacing. Curiosity sparkled in her eyes as she questioned, " what's the problem and why are pacing like you'd did a crime or some shit?" I sighed, my anxiety seeping through,

"It's bad, Mavis. Like, really bad." Mavis, ever the optimist, tilted her head, "Oh, come on. How bad can it be? Oh my god did you lose you're art book again or almost scratch you're car  while driving" I chuckled my face says it all my voice shaky  "Worse. I almost kissed Alex at Stephenie Party."

Mavis's eyes widened it looked like she was about to scream in excitement I know my best friend  I also know how she reacts when anything romantic happens she let out a small squeal before I covered her mouth. " how did hell did this happen?" she muffled through my hand. After releasing her, I began recounting the events of the party – the pulsating music, the dance floor, and the almost-kiss that hung in the air. Mavis listened intently, her excitement growing with each detail.

"So, there I was, caught up in the moment , and before I knew it, the lights, the music, and everything else made it feel like we were in our own world. Our faces were inches apart, and the possibility of a kiss was right there," I explained, the moment.

Mavis's eyes glinted mischievously, "did you want to kiss him?"

I hesitated, trying to dodge the question, but Mavis wasn't having it.she crossed her arms " Gianna Did you want to kiss him?" I sighed, confessing, "Kind of." She gave me another looked I sighed ' yes I wanted to' I said finally getting it out 
Mavis's excitement reached new heights, "Yes! I fucking knew it! Karan owes me 20 dollars!" I raised an eyebrow, "What?
Mavis grinned, "We had a bet. He bet that you'd never admit to having feelings for Alex and it's a hopeless showmance I guess he was wrong'

took a deep breath, attempting to articulate the myriad of reasons why an "Alex and Gia" scenario seemed implausible.

"Mav, it's not that simple. He's  one of the most popular guy in our school, the guy who's never settled down,  he has millions and he's got this whole reputation. I mean, look at Stephenie – she's practically staking a claim on him as her own , guys like him are not in my cards."

Mavis raised an eyebrow, "Stephenie's just a speed bump, Gia. You can't let her dictate your decisions. you're not exactly Little Miss Perfect he knows that he doesn't give a fuck about those girls ' I winced at the reminder of my own complicated history, " than there's Jamal that constant crush he has on me there's the musical also when we date then what? Girls are still going to be at him and it's going to feel like I'm constantly trying to prove he's mine I don't  want that'sShe leaned back, contemplating my words, "Gia, I get it. But sometimes, you've got to take risks. Sure, there are a million reasons why it might not work, but think about the one reason why it might."

I sighed, " , this isn't a shit fairy tale. It's real life, and real life is messy. I can't just ignore the practical aspects. There's a lot at stake, and I can't afford to lose focus."

' but what do you want'
She asked me I still look at  the ceiling I hear my phone ding it's Alex I sigh once more I pick up my phone but did not respond
' I don't know '

In the dimly lit room, with Karan's parents away, Alex He hesitated for a moment, weighing the words in his mind before finally opening up to Karan.

"Man, I almost kissed Gia at the party," Alex confessed, half-expecting Karan's playful teasing. To his surprise, Karan's reaction was different.

Karan's eyes widened, "Wait, what? You almost kissed Gia?" He chuckled, realizing that he'd just lost a bet with Mavis. " oh shit now I owe her twenty bucks now."

'You what' Alex asked
' oh nothing go on' Karan said changing the subject  But the levity of the situation quickly faded as Alex continued, his thoughts growing more introspective. "I don't know how to feel about it. It's different with her, you know? Since the day I saw her, I wanted her , but I'm  scared,."

Karan, usually the easygoing one, leaned in, serious. "Scared? What are you scared of, Alex?"
Alex hesitated before admitting his vulnerability, "I'm scared of messing shit  up with her . Gia's not like other girls. She's not just another conquest for me. I care about her, and I don't want a stupid moment to ruin what we have my reputation is already fucked up."

Karan listened attentively, absorbing Alex's words. "You really care about her, don't you?" he asked, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

", I  more than it seems," Alex admitted. "But I'm afraid, Karan. I've never felt like this before for anyone . I don't want to lose her."

Karan leaned back, considering Alex's predicament. "Alex, you've got to understand Gia. When she loves or cares about something or someone, it's not just a passing feeling. It's deep and intense. She doesn't give her heart away easily especially with guys like you , so if she's opening up to you let you in her circle , shit even letting you her call her Gia  it means something it's everything . Don't mess it up because of something you scared of because  it's already worse'

His words lingered in the air, and as Alex absorbed the advice, he knew that facing his fears and this musical is going to a mess and cheotic fucked up little mess and he doesn't know if he can take itI don't know if I can take it

The next day, Mavis and I walked into Naxi's as usual. As we settled into our spots, a heavy silence hung in the air. I glanced at Alex, exchanged a look with Mavis, and then turned away. I wasn't in the mood to talk to him, so I decided to do what I always did in such situations — escape.

"I'm going to grab some snacks. Be back in a bit," I announced to Mavis, not waiting for a response. I needed some distance from Alex. As I walked away, I could feel the weight of his gaze on me. Mavis, sensing my distress, reached out and gently touched my arm. "Gia, seriously, what happened back there?"
I sighed, struggling to find the words. "I thought... I thought there was something between Alex and me. But then I see him making out with Stephanie. Right there.  ." I pointed where they were at

Karan voice filled with concern. " are you sure they are actually making out making talk to him ?."I shook my head, frustration bubbling within. "Talk to him? He didn't even see me. Or if he did, he didn't give a fuck he's too busy smashing his mouth into an another girl mouth."
Mavis, ever the optimist, attempted to lighten the mood. "Maybe there's a logical explanation. People don't just switch emotions overnight."

I scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping me. " yeah Mavis a Logical explanation  what could a logical explanation of two people practically devouring each other while enacting chilli cheese fries."

' Gia maybe just calm-' Karan tries but I wasn't listening my mind isn't here right now I don't have time speaking of the devil Alex came over to us  I looked at him he looks happy very happy I don't know why he's so smiley

' hey Gia how's your day so far?' He asked me ' great actually you know hang with my friends had good rest but so far the best part of my day is  seeing two people devour each other faces off ' I said he face changed

' I'll see you guys later I'm going home'  I grabbed my drink and left Alex looks at Mavis and Karan like he needed help

But honestly if I was them I  don't want to hear it not a word

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