DINNER . (alastor x human! reader)

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alastor x human! reader

the moon hung low in the night sky, casting an eerie glow through the twisted branches of the abandoned forest

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

the moon hung low in the night sky, casting an eerie glow through the twisted branches of the abandoned forest. the air was thick with a palpable sense of foreboding as you venture deeper into the darkness, your footsteps echoing in the silence that surrounded you. the only sound that cut through the stillness was the rustle of leaves under your feet as if the very earth beneath you shivered with a sense of unease.

your senses heightened with each step, the crunch of leaves beneath your shoes making you acutely aware of the isolation that enveloped you. it was said that this forest was cursed, abandoned by both the living and the dead. yet, curiosity drove you forward, a reckless desire to explore the unknown.

as you pushed deeper into the heart of the forsaken woods, an unsettling sensation crept up your spine. you felt eyes upon you, unseen and malevolent. a chill ran down your spine, and the shadows seemed to dance with a life of their own. you quickened your pace, aware that you were no longer alone.

a low growl reverberated through the air, causing you to freeze in your tracks. the atmosphere thickened, suffused with a sinister energy that seemed to emanate from the very heart of the forest. before you could react, a figure emerged from the darkness, its form illuminated by the pale moonlight.

a demon, grotesque and menacing, stood before you, his sharp, yellow teeth glinting in a predatory smile. his red eyes bore into yours, the sinister glint betraying the facade of charm he so masterfully wore. the tufts of hair on his head resembled the ears of a deer, and his entire presence exuded an otherworldly aura.

"well, well, well," he purred, his voice dripping with amusement. "what do we have here? a lost lamb wandering into my domain."

you felt a shiver run down your spine as alastor circled you like a predator sizing up its prey. the air crackled with tension as he continued to appraise you, his eyes flickering with a hunger that went beyond the mundane.

"you've stumbled into something you shouldn't have," alastor mused, his tone taking on a dangerous edge. "this forest is my territory, and those who enter uninvited are subject to my whims."

as he spoke, a disturbing realization struck you -a bestial urge, a wendigo-like hunger, flickered in his eyes. his internal struggle played out before you, torn between devouring you and keeping you as his plaything.

a sinister smile played on his lips as he spoke, "now, my dear, the question is, shall i indulge my appetite and feast upon you, or perhaps, keep you for my amusement?"

fear gripped your heart as the words of the demon hung in the air. without waiting for a response, he continued to circle you, reveling in the uncertainty of your fate. in that moment, a surge of adrenaline coursed through your veins, drowning out the fear, and a single thought echoed in your mind – get out of here.

without a second thought, you turned on your heels and sprinted through the twisted trees, the forest becoming a blur around you. the crunch of leaves beneath your frantic footsteps reverberated through the night, and the distant laughter of alastor followed, a haunting symphony to your desperate escape.

"oh, run, my sweet little morsel! run as fast as your fragile legs can carry you!" his voice called out, a mocking lilt underscoring his words.

panic set in as you desperately searched for an escape, but the once-visible path had vanished into a disorienting labyrinth of darkness.

your breaths came in ragged gasps as you stumbled over roots and rocks, the relentless pursuit of alastor's laughter pushing you to the brink. the forest seemed to warp and twist, playing tricks on your senses, and every desperate turn only deepened the sense of entrapment.

just as hope threatened to abandon you entirely, a gnarled branch shot out from the shadows, its twisted form snaking around your ankle. you yelped in pain as you fell to the ground, the cold earth meeting your face. the branch tightened its grip, preventing any further escape.

alastor emerged from the darkness, his eyes alight with sadistic glee. "my, my, it seems our little game has reached its climax," he mused, sauntering toward you with an unhurried pace.

you struggled against the binding branch, panic coursing through your veins. alastor leaned down, his face inches from yours, the twisted smile never leaving his lips.

"oh, my dear, did you really think you could outrun me? how adorable," he sneered, relishing in your desperation.

your chest heaved with each breath as you glared defiantly at the grinning demon. gritting your teeth, you looked up at him, defiance burning in your eyes. "yeah? well... you might be surprised," you retorted, your voice steady despite the fear that coursed through your veins.

alastor chuckled, his amusement growing. "bold words. perhaps there's more fight in you than i anticipated." he circled you, his presence looming like a dark specter.

in that moment, a flicker of hope danced in your chest. maybe, just maybe, you could defy the odds and escape the clutches of this sadistic demon. if you showed him you weren't afraid, perhaps he would release you.

"you see," you continued, keeping eye contact with alastor, "i don't scare easily. you might think you have control, but i won't be just a victim in your stupid game."

alastor's grin widened, the challenge seemingly invigorating him. "oh, how fascinating! a morsel with a spine. i do love a good challenge."

for a brief moment, it seemed as if the tables might turn. alastor hesitated, his gaze narrowing as he considered your words. the hope that had sparked within you was like a fragile flame, flickering in the darkness.

he considered you for a moment, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the handle of his cane. the silence hung in the air, pregnant with uncertainty.

then, with a sudden, guttural laughter, alastor shook his head. "you entertain me, but amusement can only go so far," he declared, his demeanor shifting.

alastor's form began to change. the air crackled with dark energy as he transitioned from his charming, dapper persona to his full demonic form. the tufts of hair on his head extended into formidable antlers, and his eyes transformed into swirling, demonic orbs.

a sinister smile stretched across his face as he loomed over you, the shadows of the forest seeming to bow to his malevolence. the once-playful atmosphere twisted into a palpable sense of dread.

"in the end, my appetite reigns supreme," he declared, his voice now a guttural growl that sent shivers down your spine.

before you could react, alastor's demonic form lunged forward, engulfing you in darkness. the forest bore witness to the macabre spectacle, the moonlight flickering in the twisted branches as your defiant words were silenced by the abyss.

moments later, the moonlit forest stood eerily silent, the shadows slowly retreating as alastor returned to his more refined, dapper self. the antlers retracted, and the demonic aura dissipated, leaving behind the sly, self-assured grin on his face.

with a flick of his wrist, alastor produced a small, pristine napkin from seemingly thin air. his eyes glinted with a semblance of amusement as he delicately dabbed at the corners of his mouth, cleaning away the residue of his meal.

"ah, what a delightful diversion that was!" he mused, his voice back to its smooth, radio-like cadence. the forest, having borne witness to the dark spectacle, seemed to exhale a collective sigh.

with a snap of his fingers, he vanished into the shadows, leaving the moon to cast its cold light upon the desolate landscape.

𝐇𝐀𝐙𝐁𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐋 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें