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Ok, lets put down the basics of this story, shall we?

My little sis watches miraculous, so I have to deal with watching it. And ther worst part of this story is the fact that Marinette's character is shallow as a puddle. There is no flavor, no MSG. Nothing!

I would say her personality tastes like Jamie oliver's fried rice, but it tastes more like emotional damage. 

OML I love my.... puns? I guess?

Anyways, yeah. So I wondered, if I gave Mari an actual character with flaws. Would the show be better? I honestly have no idea. So I just wrote for fun. And for like 2 years this has been a draft. I have about like...132 draft chapters in total. So yeah... 

I'll try to update weekly, at 6:00 pm PST so.... yeah I guess. 

The story doesn't start at the bubbler, it starts at origins. It would make the most sense for my character. If she was just randomly put in the bubbler, no idea of what's happening, she'd be totally lost. So I put the begining in origins, then I'll go back to the bubbler. 

The chapters are really short, and if you really want to, you can like make it a reader insert. I do have some Kathy x Chat moments that make me squeal. 

If you know, and you're from the future, you know. 

I don't edit any of my chapters, I just schedule their release. 

Like I said before, my chapters are like... hella short. Most of them are shorter than 1,000 words. At most they are like... 950? I don't remember anymore. 

So like, yeah. this is a miraculous ladybug fanfic about how a girl who cant deal with Mari's shit becomes Mari.

Also, in all of this, Mari/Kathy keeps her hair down. No pigtail shit happening.

I would think that's all....


Different person, same Ladybug 🐞Where stories live. Discover now