Entry 5

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Dear diary,

So me and SMG4 are experiencing some Freaky Friday kind of crap right now and neither of us know what to do or how we got here. I was just comfy in my bed and sleeping one minute. Then I woke in SMG4's bed and in his body the next. I nearly had a panic attack looking in the mirror the first time. Neither of us know how this happened and we're both panicking. Though, SMG4 is doing most of the panicking. I'm just trying to figure out how to fix this. You know, I've told myself many times that the idiot doesn't take care of himself the way he should. But now I realize it's even worse than I thought. The moment I sat up and stretched I felt so many of his bones cracking. It was nauseating. I just sat there in pure horror for a moment at what had happened. Now keep in mind, I was still processing the trauma of waking up when this happened, so it was not fun at all let me tell you. Also I never realized how squishy his body was. I mean I knew he was squishy 'cause the guy LOOKS squishy. I just didn't expect this, I guess. It's kind of weird now that I'm thinking about it. Stupid thoughts. I just want my body back. Hopefully this day doesn't get any worse. I don't wanna have to look at SMG4's ugly mug in the mirror longer than I have to. It's really weird looking at myself from someone else's perspective. Speaking of SMG4, I should keep an eye him. Knowing him, he'll probably do something stupid. And I don't want him getting me in trouble while he's in my body.

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