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Bruce woke up the next morning with a massive headache. Was this what a hangover felt like? Bruce cursed himself for drinking how much he did, let alone drinking at all.

It only took a few seconds for the fact Vance was laying right next to him to set in. Bruce stared at him for a second, taking in his looks. That's when he realised he wasn't even at home, he was at Michelle's. Bruce was kind of happy that Vance had taken him here instead of home. He knew Amy and Alice would kick his ass if they found out he had drank alcohol.

Though, his thoughts were cut short as his headache just got worse. He sat up, hand over his forehead. "God," he murmured to himself, clenching his teeth and closing his eyes close.

He guessed that the hangover was one of the many consequences of drinking. Bruce also tried to remember what even happened last night. It was all bits and pieces to him. He remembered standing outside of the bar with Vance, he remembered being in the car—even though at the time he wasn't sure who's car it was—and the last thing he remembered was laying down with Vance. The in-between of those moments were all just a blur.

"Ugh.." Vance groaned, sitting up and yawning. He roughly rubbed his face as he took a deep sigh and cursed under his breath. "Morning, man," he mumbled as he looked at Bruce.

Bruce stared at him for a second, looking into his tired eyes. His eyes seemed..darker when he first woke up. "Morning," Bruce gave him a grin.

Vance hummed as he nodded his head, glancing around the room. "How are you feeling?" He asked, looking back at Bruce. He could tell Bruce couldn't remember what happened last night, and he was sort of content with it. He was glad it wasn't super awkward, but at the same time he wished Bruce and him could have a talk about it.

"I've got a horrible headache," Bruce sighed, rubbing his forehead.

Vance sighed as he slipped out of his bed. "I'll get you some Tylenol. Be right back," he told Bruce. Bruce nodded, watching as he walked out.

What Vance didn't expect was to see Robin in his kitchen, talking with Michelle. "Morning, sleepyhead," Michelle giggled, bringing the attention to Vance. Robin stared at him, unsure on what Vance was even doing here. "I'm sure you know Robin," she softly laughed before looking at Robin, "Vance is my best friend."

"Oh," Robin nodded slowly, "that's..nice."

Michelle nodded, grabbing a soda from the fridge. "His uncle and Finney are here too," she told Vance before leaving. Awkward silence fell before Robin and Vance.

Vance just continued to do what he had planned on doing when he left his room. He reached into the cabinet and grabbed the Tylenol. He opened the bottle and got a double dose, one for him, one for Bruce. He could feel Robin's judging eyes on him. "What?" He asked, looking at Robin who stared at him.

"You have a double dose," Robin told him, as if he didn't know.

Vance huffed, "maybe I need a double dose. Don't act like you really know me."

Robin scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Whatever, dude." Robin turned and left the kitchen with the bag of popcorn he had been preparing.  Vance assumed him, Finney, Michelle, and Robin's uncle were watching a movie. He probably had made the popcorn for him and Finney to share while they cuddled.

Vance just went back to his room, where he found Bruce messing with an old radio he had on his shelf. Vance sort of forgot about that radio, since he rarely ever used it. Normally, Michelle would take it to her room a listen to music as she drew in a sketch book or hung out with friends. "Having fun there?" Vance asked with a small laugh.

Bruce looked back and showed him a smile. "This is a nice radio," he commented, turning its dial round and round, skipping through different channels. Vance nodded in agreement as he locked the door. He walked over and handed bruce some Tylenol, a glass of water after it. Bruce thanked him before going back to messing with the radio. "I could hear you talking to someone out there," he mentioned, being a little nosy, "didn't sound like Michelle."

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