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Bruce sat next to Georgia, sort of just bored and listening in on whatever politics his parents were going on and on about. Georgia was talking to Amy, who was boasting about passing her math test the day before.

"So, Bruce," Mr.Sanders, Georgia's father, cleared his throat, grabbing the dark haired boy's attention. "Since it's your senior year, where are you planning for college?"

Bruce thought for a moment before ultimately shrugging and saying, "I don't know, honestly."

"Babe, we agreed on a college in Virginia," Georgia reminded Bruce, with a giggle.

Bruce made a quick face that only Amy really saw before responding, "right." Amy noticed how Georgia would occasionally try to grab for Bruce's hand, but he would move it away. She also noticed how one sided their relationship seemed to be lately. She figured she'd just talk to Bruce about it when Georgia and her parents left.

"That sounds like an amazing plan to us," Both of their parents agreed.

They went back to talking about whatever, Georgia this time was talking on and on about different future plans to Bruce, and Amy just listened to her parents while sort of staring at Bruce. Bruce wasn't really listening to Georgia, he pretty much stopped when she mentioned marriage and how they were going to be high school sweethearts.

"Did you hear 'bout Vance Hopper lately?" Mrs.Sanders inquired. That caught Bruce's attention, and Amy noticed how he glanced up at the parents as if he was now listening—which he was. "Apparently he's in a band and they preform at some bars in town. Probably illegal in some way."

Amy wondered how that could be illegal, and she saw as Bruce rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed. Amy didn't really like Vance. She honestly thought he was a total jerk since he'd occasionally fight some of the guys at after school pick up when he'd pick up her friend Griffin Stagg.

'Probably illegal in some way' god, that's so stupid, Bruce thought with a deep sigh. He hated the fact that people hated Vance and just thought of him as a monster and a criminal. Sure, he had his issues, but he was fun to be around. He gave Bruce almost everything he'd been craving.

"Do you have any classes with Vance, Bruce?" Mrs.Yamada asked, breaking Bruce from his thoughts.

Bruce thought for a moment before signing, poking at a piece of broccoli with his fork. "Yeah," he nodded, "I have Art and Lunch with him."

"How about you, Georgia?" Mrs.Yamada now asked Georgia, curious to hear what she even thought of Vance.

Bruce could see as Georgia's cheeks turned a soft red tint, and that gave him a bad gut feeling. "Oh, Uhm, yeah," she nodded, her voice soft and quiet. Bruce had only really heard that voice when Georgia had confessed her feelings for him in sophomore year. He knew she liked Vance. "I have economics and health with him. He's not that bad."

Amy bit her cheek, looking for Bruce's reaction. She could tell that Georgia's feelings for Vance were more than friendly. Bruce rolled his eyes, a small scoff escaping his mouth.


Later that night their parents were downstairs talking while Amy watched TV. Bruce and Georgia were currently up in his room, quietly arguing over their relationship. But soon they were yelling, and their parents could hear. "I hate you, Bruce!" Georgia screamed at the top of her lungs.

"You're a bitch, Georgia!" Bruce shouted back. Smack! Georgia slapped Bruce, as she always did during their arguments. "I'm out! I'm leaving!" He snapped, and the sound of his door slamming open could be heard from upstairs.

"Bruce wait! I'm sorry!" Georgia followed, frantically apologising.

The two appeared downstairs and everyone watched as Bruce got his jacket and shoes on as Georgia frantically tried to get him to stop. He did stop for a second, but only to tell Georgia, "can you quit? I'm going outside for a breather." Georgia sighed, just standing there as she watched Bruce go outside.

For a few minutes they sat inside, leaving Bruce alone, but Amy soon stood. "I'm gonna go check on him," she mumbled, slipping on slippers and wandering out the front door. Bruce was sitting on their porch outside, looking out to the street. "You okay, Big bro?" Amy asked.

"I'm fine, Amy," Bruce sighed, glancing back to look at his sister. It went silent for a second; Bruce not really wanting to talk about it and Amy not wanting to annoy him. "Do you think Georgia has a crush on Vance?" He asked in a sad and disappointed tone?

Amy looked at him, biting her lip. She felt bad. "Uhm, yeah," Amy sighed, "but I'm sure that she still loves you more than him."

Bruce let his head fall, "I don't care about that." Amy looked at him, confused and surprised. "You don't need to worry about it, Amy," he shook his head.

"But I'm your little sister, Bruce," Amy huffed, rolling her eyes, "I'm supposed to get the gossip AND I'm supposed to be your support."

Bruce sighed deeply, "I'll tell you later. Maybe when you're older."

"I'm in seventh grade, Bruceeee," She groaned, but she was cut off by the sound of a car horn. They both looked over to a pretty fancy car. Amy could barely see through the windows, but she noticed very familiar curls. Vance Hopper. "The hell?" She whispered to Bruce, who just stood up.

The passenger seat window rolled down and both could see Vance's face clearly. "What're you doing out here looking all mopey?!" He yelled from the car.

Amy saw as Bruce smiled wide, and a pink shade played on his cheeks. Bruce stood up and walked over to the car. "This car is a little fancy, huh?" Bruce said, raising an eyebrow.

"Snuck out and 'borrowed' the keys," Vance giggled with a mischievous smile. "It's my mom's, but I decided I wanted to take it for a spin." Bruce smiled wide as he looked at the interior of the car. "Wanna go to the school's lot to chill?" Vance suggested.

Bruce glanced back at his sister before looking at Vance, "sure, but let me take my sister back in."

"Alright. Take as long as you want," Vance winked.

Bruce smiled before turning around and letting out a deep breath that he had for some reason been holding in. Was he nervous to talk to Vance? Too excited? Whatever it was worried him, and he was scared someone would notice. Bruce approached Amy and held out his hand, and when Amy grabbed it he pulled her up quickly. "You didn't see or hear nothing, okay, Amy?" Bruce whispered in a threatening tone.

Amy, too shocked to really even think, nodded her head quickly. Bruce and her walked in before Bruce announced, "I'm going over to Robin's uncle's place to cool off."

Before any of his family could protest Bruce practically ran to Vance's car, getting in before the sped away.

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