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The moment they got to Michelle's, Vance and Bruce walked hurriedly to Vance's room. As Vance closed the door Bruce grabbed and wrapped his arms around Vance's waist. Vance froze in place, unsure what to do, but he was drunk. He knew what he wanted to do, but could he really let it happen?

Vance turned around in Bruce's hold, looking him right in the eyes. Bruce had a smile on his face, as if he was taking in Vance's beauty. Which he was. He was looking at Vance's beautiful eyes, his sloped nose, and his pink lips. "I..I like how you look," Bruce smiled widely, his eyes now moving all over Vance's face.

"Thanks?" Vance nervously giggled. His back was practically against the door, and he was frozen in place, waiting for Bruce to do something. He watched as Bruce stared at his lips.

Was Bruce going to kiss him? Vance wouldn't mind, but Bruce had a girlfriend. Not that Vance was a huge fan of Georgia. He  thought she was a huge bitch, but nobody deserved to be cheated on. Or maybe she did. Vance just wasn't sure. But suddenly Bruce's hands found their way to the back of Vance's head, his fingers entangling with the blond curls. God, that really made Vance want to just kiss Bruce more.

Before Vance knew it, Bruce's face was inches from his. They both were staring at each other's lips, hesitation on both sides. Deep down Vance knew it was sort of a now or never kind of thing. They were both drunk, and if there were any regret on either side they could just forget about it. Blame it on the intoxication. "What..about Georgia?" Vance whispered, feeling out of breath in a way.

Bruce's hands slowly slid from the back of Vance's head down to his elbows, sending chills through his body. "She's unfaithful," Bruce murmured, his eyes slowly moving from Vance's lips to his blue eyes. "And you're way better than her. You're pretty, nice—even if it's just to me—and you care for me like nobody else." Bruce's thoughts spilled from his lips, and Vance just listened. "I don't understand my feelings, but I-"

Vance pulled Bruce's face close, closing the space between their lips. His hands rested on the sides of Bruce's face for a bit, but they soon their places on Bruce's hips. Bruce's arms wrapped around Vance's shoulders, trying to bring him closer even when his body was keeping Vance against the door.

A smile played Vance's lips as they backed away. The kiss was better than he had imagined. He had imagined it would be sweet, but nothing more. But it was great; it was sweet, loving, soft. Everything Vance had dreamt of.

Bruce just giggled softly as he buried his face in Vance's neck. "You smell so good," he lifted his face again, getting another strong whiff of cologne. He leaned close, kissing Vance's lips again. Touch and love is what he craved. It was something he could never get from Georgia, but now...here stood Vance. His best friend, the fighter, the boy he was kissing now.

Back away.

Small kiss.

Back away.

The cycle continued for a few minutes before tiredness overcame their love and affection. They laid down in Vance's bed, cuddled in each other's arms. Of course Bruce was quick to fall asleep while Vance stayed awake. He thought about tomorrow morning, how it would be. Would Bruce remember any of this? Would he like that it happened?

Would I even remember this? Vance mentally questioned himself. He hoped he would remember it. Even if Bruce didn't really remember or reciprocate feelings he wanted this moment to be engraved into his mind. The moment where things finally went his way. The night he would finally got to sleep feeling truly happy.

But was he happy? Vance was happy he got to kiss Bruce, got to feel something that he rarely felt. But now that he was questioning himself, his true feelings, and Bruce's true feelings; he felt...sad. Not angry, not frustrated, just sad.

Shorter chapter but whatever 😔

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